motu 828 mkii and SPDIF


New member
I love my new 828mkII but I do have one thing I can't seem to figure out. I have an HHb BurnIt 830 CD Recorder. The 830 has both Optical and Coax SPDIF connectors for IN and OUT. I would like to send the SPDIF out from my main mix on the 828 to the 830 and record if possible. The motu 828 doesn't seem to show any output meter on the SPDIF indicators and I can't monitor a signal in the 830. I have set the sampling rate to 44.1 so that should not be an issue. Any ideas? Is it possible that the output of the Motu is not compatible? The 830 can record from ADAT sources according to the manual. Any help appreciated!

Problem solved... (the first part anyway...<G>)

I've been so deprived of audio lately, I missed the obvious. The CD Recorder works fine. The software mixer is sending analog channels out to SPDIF and the main outs. Turn up the outs on the drum machine and watch the led's flicker, no problem. I suppose I need to figure out how to get my vst instrument audio going out the SPDIF's as well. Any suggestions welcome.

You probably need to setup an output bus that uses the SPDIF output in your recording software and have the VSTi use that bus.
For that matter, I would think you could use SPDIF as your master output bus and set the MOTU's headphone out to mimic the SPDIF out for monitoring.
828 and SPDIF

Exactly. I tried that last night and it worked perfectly. I just wanted to get in control of the motu so I didn't have to deal with hardware/workflow issues. Thanks for your response...
Bus on the motu 828 with CueMix

crankz1 said:
You probably need to setup an output bus that uses the SPDIF output in your recording software and have the VSTi use that bus.
For that matter, I would think you could use SPDIF as your master output bus and set the MOTU's headphone out to mimic the SPDIF out for monitoring.

I've noticed that instead of adding a bus, I have to change the outputs on Bus 1 to the SPDIF channels, 11 & 12, to get this to work. I tried adding a new bus but CueMix seems oblivious to anything other than bus 1. Any thoughts? Not really a show stopper but it would be nice to have all 4 busses available instead of changing things around.

TFranklin said:
I've noticed that instead of adding a bus, I have to change the outputs on Bus 1 to the SPDIF channels, 11 & 12, to get this to work. I tried adding a new bus but CueMix seems oblivious to anything other than bus 1. Any thoughts? Not really a show stopper but it would be nice to have all 4 busses available instead of changing things around.


Basically, I renamed 1rst bus "bus 1" and added "bus 2". Then I pointed the channels in Cubase SL to "Bus 2". It seems I only really need CueMix when mixing in analog instruments on the direct IN ports of the motu. Am I on the right track?

The separate CueMix busses are really only good for .... well, separate mix busses as you would have with any other multi-bus mixer.
As far as being a computer audio interface, you will have to specify within your audio software as to which output/outputs to use for whatever track/tracks or audio software mixer output busses.
CueMix is essentially just software control of the MOTU's ability to be a 4 stereo bus mixer. Level attenuation even needs to be set prior to the inputs of the MOTU (with the exception of the two front preamps .... level attenuation is made via their gain knobs). CueMix gives no control over attenuation of the inputs to the recording software. You have to think of the 828mkII as a mixer that all of the inputs are feeding their signals to the computer via imaginary inserts that are pre fader of CueMix.
The only time you can get attenuation via CueMix is if you are using the output of MixBus 1 as an input to your recording software (selected within your recording software).
As far as you being able to get output to SPDIF by selecting that as the master output of CueMix bus1 ... I'd have to play around with mine, but it sounds as though you have somehow selected CueMix bus1 as the master output of your recording software thus allowing MixBus 1 to change the physical output that the signal is routed to. Or maybe that's just how the MOTU works. I've never tried changing the output of MixBus 1 to see if that effected the physical output that I selected as the output for my master output bus in my recording software. :confused:
I always just create another output bus in my recording software and assign it to use whichever outputs I want.
CueMix busses

crankz1 said:
The separate CueMix busses are really only good for .... well, separate mix busses as you would have with any other multi-bus mixer.
As far as being a computer audio interface, you will have to specify within your audio software as to which output/outputs to use for whatever track/tracks or audio software mixer output busses.
CueMix is essentially just software control of the MOTU's ability to be a 4 stereo bus mixer. Level attenuation even needs to be set prior to the inputs of the MOTU (with the exception of the two front preamps .... level attenuation is made via their gain knobs). CueMix gives no control over attenuation of the inputs to the recording software. You have to think of the 828mkII as a mixer that all of the inputs are feeding their signals to the computer via imaginary inserts that are pre fader of CueMix.
The only time you can get attenuation via CueMix is if you are using the output of MixBus 1 as an input to your recording software (selected within your recording software).
As far as you being able to get output to SPDIF by selecting that as the master output of CueMix bus1 ... I'd have to play around with mine, but it sounds as though you have somehow selected CueMix bus1 as the master output of your recording software thus allowing MixBus 1 to change the physical output that the signal is routed to. Or maybe that's just how the MOTU works. I've never tried changing the output of MixBus 1 to see if that effected the physical output that I selected as the output for my master output bus in my recording software. :confused:
I always just create another output bus in my recording software and assign it to use whichever outputs I want.

yeah, what you said. I think this is what I am doing. I created another bus in Cubase SL and pointed the outputs to the SPDIFs on the 828. Then I assigned the mixer channels to this bus. I can now record directly to my HHb 830 CD Recorder, and it creates a cheezy but easy way to monitor through my stereo speakers. I'm hoping that recording in this method reduces cpu and disk access load off of my computer, I guess it has to. Kind of a bonus use of the CD Recorder that I didn't plan for, but what a bonus! Thanks for your input, as a musician it's really great to get help with the electronic side and home studio setup. I appreciate your willingness to share knowledge!

ttyl... :D