Moto 2408


New member
What do yall think of the 2408? Can you record 8 tracks of drums at once and then edit each track seprately on a program such as cool edit? Does it come with 8 mic pres that way if I was to get this I would have to also buy pres. Thanks in advance, Matt
Yes you can record 8 tracks at once. If you have ADATs or light pipe type devices, you can record up tp 24 tracks at once. It has no mic preamps so you'll need those.
MOTU 2408

i love my motu 2408 the sound quality is incredible.. i have 3 adats as well and when i want to mixdow my tracks in the computer using nuendo (or any recording software) i just transfer all 24 tracks into the computer and that is it i'm ready to mix and master. I'm really happy i bought this piece of equipment. i'm also able to control nuendo and my adats with my brc (when transfering the tracks into the computer) and that makes it that much better i could not be happier