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if any of you guys have made your computer from scratch, i was wondering what kind of motherboards you chose for your DAW. any good, bad experiences with them, etc. what would you guys recommend? thanks in advance.
Asus P4C800e with features at a good price...SATA and raid support built in.
Well, I've built computers, but never totally from new components. That is, there were always some parts I already had that I wanted to use. When you're doing that, you have to keep a close eye on what the mobo will work with, like memory, CPU, IDE interfaces, number of PCI slots, etc..

I try to keep an eye on upgrade potential too. Like nowadays, you can still buy Socket A CPUs and motherboards, but their days are numbered. So unless I had a higher-end Socket A CPU with nothing to do, I would steer clear of a Slot A motherboard. Replacing a motherboard is enough of a pain so you want to do it with an eye to the future. I go for technology that is old enough so that it's not real expensive, but new enough that it's not obsolete a year from now.

I've had good luck with ECS and MSI, but I think most brands are pretty reliable if treated well.
For audio, it's good to pay attention to the chipset. I've heard of bad experiences with people using VIA and even SIS chipsets. For AMD motherboards, the best chipsets for audio as far as I can tell would be the Nforce. For Intel, get a genuine Intel chipset.

As far as brands, I've built several comps on the Asus motherboards, and they work fantastic. I also had an MSI a while back that was good as well.
The VIA thing is now a myth unless you buy a motherboard that is about 3 years old. In fact, Universal Audio and some other companies actually reccomend the VIA chipset over others. There was definately some VIA chipset problems with a few select pieces of hardware several years ago. All of those however were fairly esy to work through. If you go with an AMD64 of any type I would heavily reccomend an MSI motherboard with a VIA chipset. It outperforms all the others on a pretty consistent basis.
I have used a Soltek. Twice (because it broke during transport, so I replaced it)


1. The soundcard make my speakers go BOPP! everytime your turned the computer on. (It obviously had a DC component to the output. BAD design.)

2. 1.5 years after I replaced it, the computer started to reboot randomly, which turned out to be the motherboards fault, so now I don't trust the quality of Soltek stuff, although I have no proof that it was their fault, per se. Maybe it got a power spike that burned something out, what do I know...

I like the ASUS I replaced it with. Other than that, It's been uhm, like 7-8 years since I bought a motherbard. I used old 166 to 233Mhz Pentiums between 1997 to 2003. ;)
ASUS K8V SE Deluxe (w/ AMD64 3400+ CPU). I've heard people complain that you can't overclock the darn thing, but I had no need to mess with that. My computer is a fast, stable and with a Zalman CPU fan very quiet as well. Only issue I had was that the original backplate for the fan had to be removed for the Zalman backplate for the fan to be mounted correctly. No big deal, a hair dryer and plastic spoon made short work of it.