Most user friendly recording software?


New member
Well I should be getting my hardware soon. But for now I'm getting the software. Im using Fruity Loops for the drum tracks, which I'm now comfortable with. And right now I also have SONAR 5, but it looks a little intimidating. What software do you guys think would be best for a total newb? Or should I just stick with SONAR?
I think you should buy the software that does what you want, and then learn to use it. I spent about a year getting comfortable with Cool Edit Pro 1.2, and now I'm up to Audition 2.0 and it doesn't scare me. The music's a lot more important than the comfort factor.
True, your right. But it's just that I haver the trial for Cool Edit Pro right now and it looks so much easier.
Buy your software. First off, you won't lose our respect. Secondly, there is nothing like having an actual investment in something to spur you into learning something really well. You'll feel good about it.
Dude,I dont even think that my parents would let me spend more than $250 on software. Not to mention that im already spending $350 on hardware
VMattyV said:
Dude,I dont even think that my parents would let me spend more than $250 on software. Not to mention that im already spending $350 on hardware

Alrite so if i told u that Cubase SX was the most user-friendly software, would u go and buy it?($600+) which ur budget is $250. So stop bragging and buy any software of ur choice and style under $250. And u think $350 for hardware is a lot? That's the starters bundle.
VMattyV said:
Dude,I dont even think that my parents would let me spend more than $250 on software. Not to mention that im already spending $350 on hardware

My good man:

there are people on this forum who work for Cakewalk and the other stuff. You are publicly admitting that you are stealing from your fellow members. It would be a very wise idea to just shut up about it and dont mention it again.

See the green dots people have? You are probably gonna end up with a bunch of red ones. I wont give you one, but beware: the red dots mean people wont help you. OK?
N-Track ( is less then $100. I've been using it for years. Works great, and although it's cheap, it does what it's supposed to. If you're on a budget, I'd much rather put more money into the hardware (mics, converters, pre-amps) and monitoring then the software. If your budget is only $1000 for EVERYTHING, I wouldn't spend anything over $100 on the DAW software.

If I had spent $500 on Sonar/Logic/whatever, I wouldn't have been able to buy my Neumann/Soundelux/Great River/Waves/Auralex/Tannoy/M-Audio stuff, which has a MUCH bigger impact on my recordings.