Most important parts of a chain

Josh English

New member
I was wondering if you guys could help me out with what the most important parts of a good chain are. I'm recording acoustic guitar, vocals, bass, and some drums, although none of it at the same time. I have mics, a mixer, the amps and cables necessary, and will have a laptop with satisfactory soundcard. After that, I'll have about $500 or so to buy whatever would improve my sound the most. Keep in mind I'll shop around for used equipment so that $500 is just a rough estimate. But if you could tell me what you think would be the best things I could buy to improve my chain and my sound, that would be great.
Thanks a lot
I think you will need to give more details on what you already have before we can tell you where you could improve the most. What type of mics, amps, mixer, soundcard do you have? What type of music do you record? Are you planning on adding other instruments like drums, keys, etc? Then we will be able to help you better.
I agree on the monitoring chain - Almost every piece of gear you have is made to manipulate sound in one manner or another EXCEPT your monitors.

They are the only "constant" in the chain for the most part and therefore are arguably the most critical.

The greatest gear in the hands of the greatest engineer means nothing if you can't accurately hear what's happening.