Most expensive guitar.


New member
I was reading in an old guitar mag about Clapton actioning a bunch of his guitars. One of them (a 56 Strat nick named Brownie) sold for $497,500.

I looked, but couldn't find a link.
If I had all the money in the world I would buy that guitar and then smash it on the floor at the auction. It would be great to see the look on the peoples faces.
It depends on what market you're in. If you're looking for a guitar to play, there ain't a guitar on the planet worth more than about $2000. Anything more than that is just for show.
If you're in the collector's market, then the sky's the limit. Some of Hendrix's guitars have gone for outrageous figures as well. At the EMP here in Seattle they have a display of about 150 guitars that document the history of the instrument, from the Baroque era to the present. Very cool. I might consider paying 500 grand for the whole lot... if I had it. I wonder what Paul Allen paid for them......

But it's the Hendrix exhibit that is the star attraction.

tjohnston said:
If I had all the money in the world I would buy that guitar and then smash it on the floor at the auction. It would be great to see the look on the peoples faces.

I'll bet when you grow up you want to be just like Pate Townsend.
That auction was a charity thing for a drug rehab(I think) that Clapton was setting up. The people payed inflated auction prices because it was for a good cause and they were also getting big tax write-offs.
hixmix said:
That auction was a charity thing for a drug rehab(I think) that Clapton was setting up. The people payed inflated auction prices because it was for a good cause and they were also getting big tax write-offs.

This is true. But still, half a mil for a strat!?!
im sure thats not even a drop in the bucket for those rich loser faces

and i bet some teenage loser kid is playing it right now, having no clue what hes doing.....and i bet he just did a nose dive off of his stack and snapped it in two........ive seen things like that.....

If I spent that kind of money I'd have the thing sealed in a glass case and nobody would ever touch while I'm alive.
...but what is the most expensive guitar on the open market? No artist-used stuff...just mass market and custom order (and that does not include telling someone to include the hope diamond in the headstock).
Outlaws said:
...but what is the most expensive guitar on the open market? No artist-used stuff...just mass market and custom order (and that does not include telling someone to include the hope diamond in the headstock).

That's a great question! You'ld have to rule out custom built stuff though. I think it's Bolin guitars that makes all the weird ZZ Top rigs, and they could easily cost over 10K. We should just look for the most expensive production guitar, acoustic and electric.

PRS go for around$3600. Taylors go for about the same. I think I remember seeing a Chet Atkins model going for about $5000. Anybody got hard numbers?

I believe one of Hendrixs' Strats was just bought for $675,000, but I'm not positive on that figure.It was the most ever payed for a guitar, though.Anyone that pays that kind of money is buying it as an investment.On a custom order guitar you can spend as much money as you want.
I was shopping for a Les Paul (custom) the other day. $2600!!! And they are not even hand made! Gotta call the Custom shop for that....starts at around $4000. No guitar worth that. To me a new custom should be around $1000, no more. The real shame is that every guitar I played for under $1000 was total crap. I played over 100 guitars that day, then bought a 12 string Ovation Balladeer for $800. Not total crap, but not really worth $800 either. I feel bad for the 16 year old kid in the basement that has to play with a Crate amp and an Epaphone paul (which I"ve never played one worth the sweat on the guys balls that bolted it togeather...can't believe they want $900 for that crap!), because any real gear is way out of reach. I guess this would explain the whole grunge thing, though.:D
Martin has the D-50.

There are only a 50 of them for the initial make. MSRP was like $150,000.

But hey, no need for Brazilian Rosewood, just get the Koa for $45,000.
64Firebird said:
If I spent that kind of money I'd have the thing sealed in a glass case and nobody would ever touch while I'm alive.

Guitars, even those owned by Slowhand himself, are meant to be played. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Chris Hillman said:
Guitars, even those owned by Slowhand himself, are meant to be played. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

But, we're not talking about a guitar per say, but an item that cost $497,500.

That kind of logic would also say put the mona lisa outside so everyone can see it. Nonsense.
Well, not exactly. By hanging on a wall in a museum, a painting is serving its intended purpose. By hanging on a wall in a museum, a guitar is not.
But then again, I understand that sometimes the value of such objects can overreach their intended purpose because of their place in history. I mean, dinosaur bones in a musem aren't exactly serving their intended purpose either...
