More Yes covers


New member
I see we have a few diehard fans here. I wanted to post these songs for laughs. This represents two guys (myself and a vocalist friend) who loved YES and were just looking to have fun one night. Don't mind the terrible drum machine - this was 1988! I hope you enjoy!

This is dead-on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The singer is so close it's scary!!!!!!!!!!
The playing is great!!!!!!!
What kind if synths did you use??????????
The drum machine is no problem 'cause everything else sounds so good.
I hate real musicians :) they make everything sound so easy
All the synth parts were done on my Chroma Polaris. The slide parts are an old fender lap steel copy, I borrowed my brothers Rick to do the bass on Long distance, the leslie guitar on Eclipse is an old Ibanez semi hollow body that I've had since 1978 or so.

Glad you liked it - thanks. :)
Very cool sounding here. I will have to go back and dig up some yes albums to see just how close the voice is, i can't remember that well.

I know it's gonna sound corny but my favorite Yes song growing up was one of my parents 8-tracks and it was called "Beep Bop Beep bop bee bop bam" or something like that.

Can you say "mmmm bop?"
caryindy said:
I see we have a few diehard fans here. I wanted to post these songs for laughs. This represents two guys (myself and a vocalist friend) who loved YES and were just looking to have fun one night. Don't mind the terrible drum machine - this was 1988! I hope you enjoy!

what fun!
Yeah, it's so close (and good) that it almost makes it impossible to concentrate on anything else, lol...but I really thought this was great. Maybe the most dead-on cover I've ever heard of any tune by anybody...the only competition is some hair band from the late 80's early 90's that did an absolutely killer live cover of a Led Zep tune... (I can't remember the band OR the song right now, lol)...but I remember getting the same eerie feeling.

But enough of that...nice mixes. :D

[edit] I know nobody cares, lmao...but I think it was Great White... :D - Just trying to lower the perceptible senility a bit.