More Than One Tract At A Time On 788


New member
could someone clarify something for it possible to record more than one instrument at a time on different tracts on the 788.say i wanted to record live/guitar,bass,lead vocal,and a mic to pickup the overall drum would i get each instrument in seperate tracks or can't you?can you use inputs a-d at the same time i didnt think that you could?if someone could give me some info here i would appreciate it much.thanks alot

smith ki
You can record on 6 tracks at once. A-D (4) have pre-amps, and the aux. inputs (2) w/out preamps. Make sure you have empty tracks assigned to the six channels. All you need to do is set your volumes and press the record ready buttons just like you would when recording just one track. Hit the main record button and the 788 will record on all channels selected as record ready.

Rarebird,so if i say want to put acoustic in tract one i can plug my acoustic in the a intput press record ready,then lead vocal in tract 2 using b input press record ready and so on down the line,then hit the main record and it will record each dedicated source.i thought i tried in the past to assign say a and d at the same time and it would't let me.thanks for being patient with me here because i am new at this and its really good to find people who know the ins and outs of the 788.thanks again

That should work. Trust me, I know what you're going through, I'm in the middle of a 3 week training program, learning a new piece of equipment (for my paying job) and it's a bit of an overload for my brain.
The 788 has a very flexible structure, so it may be a little confusing at first. But it's actually very easy to do most any kind of recording combinations. The thing that I'm just now learning is how to go beyond 8 tracks by using the virtual tracks feature. You can actually record up to 250 tracks for a single song. Unlike other recorders, these so-called v-tracks are independent of the 8 channels on the mixer. I've been experimenting by submixing a stereo reference track, recording additional v-tracks, then exporting all of them as .wav files into Cool Edit Pro for mixing. Now that I've become familiar with it, the 788 has become a fabulous front-end tool for me. Just give it some time. It really helps to get the instructional video.