MOre sample rate questions


New member
Alright so I was changing the sample rates of alot of my songs to 48k because thats the sample rate of my new sound card in my new computer, some how I did one of the songs wronge and now its really fast. Can anyone let me know a good way to get it back to the tempo it would have been at, at 41k? THanks for all the help with this and things in the past.
ANyone have any ideas? I dont really want to mix it all down I would like to do each track individually but If anyone knows what the time difference is so I can just manually change the speed and make it slower.
Change the sample rate back to what it was. You didn't specify whay program you were using, but what you WANT to do is "resample" the song at a new rate, not "change" the sample rate.

By "changing" the sample rate you are merely changing the rate at which the data is presented to your sound card. (As you found out). By "resampleing" the data with a new rate, you literally "reprocess" the song with a higher rate.

Unfortuneately this will NOT do what you want anyway. You can't make a poor sound any better just by jacking up it's sample rate. It doesn't work that way. It's kind of like when you take a picture from the web and double it's size in a photo editor... the picture becomes "pixelated" and looks like crap.

What you'll need to do to get a nice clean sound is re-record the tracks. You need to ask yourself if it's:

A) Worth it?

B) Necessesary?

Oh yeah! I never tried this myself, but I heard a friend tell me that he "resampled" a track with a higher rate, then copied the track (doubled it); offest one of the two new tracks by like a couple hundredths of a second then panned them out about 45 degrees from eachother... he said it made it sound much fuller and overall much better. Might give that a try before scrapping anything.

- Tanlith -
Hey thanks that answered my question pretty good. The only reason Im changing the sample rate is because I recorded it at 41 k on an older computer and now my new computers sound cards native sample rate is 48 so i want to record new stuff to the old stuff but I will definitly keep your suggestions in mind.
Just set the new card to 44.1. There is no point in processing the files you already have. The difference between 44.1 and 48k are minimal at best.