More remote recording


New member
Hi people.

I've been loving the stuff here lately. I'm impressed with the quality of the recordings.

Here is song number two, called Fall apart. I brought all my recording gear out to the guitarists house and recorded in his livingroom. The bass is being retracked tonight, but I wanted to get the song up here so I could get some comments before I do the final mix.

Hey! Not bad. Kind of a Green Day feel. I like the mix for the most part. I think the the vocal is JUST a little too crisp. Maybe a matter of taste but the S's are trying to burn on my system. The drums sound pretty damn good to me. Pretty tight recording.
Nice song :)
I think the vocals are good, guitars too.
Drums are cool, but cymbals are a bit too tight or whatever you call it :)
NICE RECORDING! :) I'm jealous at that :)
Happy new year
Track Rat - Thanks man. I'll have to look at trying to tame the S's. I tried the C1 on the vocals this time. I used the MK319 last song - I probably should have stuck with that mic for him.

Punx - no need to be jealous. :-) I wasn't sure what you are saying about the cymbals?
Happy New Year too!

The drums are recorded with two mics. A C1 out in front of the kit and an SM57 on the snare.

Thanks for listening!