more oboros for the curious


What the hell is an oboro? I'm definitely curious about that. Anyhow, can't listen to tonight for some reason but I'm bumping this to the top so I can check it out tomorrow.

"say a prayer for me"
Interesting at first. Then it just sort of drags on and on with the same idea.

"haldol for jesus"
Again, it's interesting but it has no real movement.

Maybe long static pieces are what you're aiming for, but your descriptions read "exploration", "voyage", "ride", "trip".... You have some good sounds happening indiefolk, but I think you need more elaboration, variation and evolution in your pieces. You open the doors to some cool and weird spaces, but then you just have us stand there. Take us on tour! :D

Bare in mind I'm mostly hiphop and beats and it's 5 in the morning and all i can say is i'm pretty damn sleepy.

Okay now I've been where i'm programming the old 01/w and made some crazy mellow and creepy sounds that i've fucked with for hours and hours... I kinda feel where you're comin from (i think) but it's kinda hard for me to listen to these tracks for entertainment. I'm guessing it's cuz I need a groove to get into. Seems like I can find a groove in most types of music i've heard even if I shit don't like it. A bit hard to find it in these cuts.

If it's really stuff for the curious I'd suggest some extra crazy shit... Don't really know what it could be but it should hit the nerves and then calm em at the same time maybe. Hell I don't know.

Relaxation music?

Space Music?

_____________ (fill in the blank)???

I sound like a dumb ass?

Keep posting though... I'll keep open ears even if my mind is closed.
