More MIDI problems....


New member
just when i thought i had it all figured out...

i am using a midi controller into my firebox midi ports, into cubase sx. works great. it also works smoothly as a controller in reason. however, when i try to have reason rewired into cubase, the midi wont work for reason anymore (but works for cubase). this problem didnt happen when i was using a separate usb midi interface.

any ideas?
Just so you get a bump and maybe a there a chance you've got some midi channel contention going on there?

Usually when I use one controller serving several patches or synths, I've got to map the controller to different channels to keep from confusing the soft synths. Example, I'll assign buttons on my controller say..buttons 1-5 to midi channel 1 and then port channel 1 all to synth #1. Then, buttons 6-10 to midi channel 2 and then port channel 2 over to synth #2. If all the controls are going out midi channel 1 and all the synths are set to recieve channel one, you can get some pretty confusing stuff going on.

Also, in the same thought, the midi chain...I'm not quite sure how you've got the "rewire" set up but perhaps you need to have one of the virtual thingys set for "thru" to let the midi information pass through the first device and on to the next.

By the way, the midi channels are virtual in a sense. I'm no expert in this area by any stretch. I just hope to give you something to think about and hopefully someone sharper than I might chime in.

Good luck!
The MIDI shouldn't go directly to Reason from your midi controller, when Reason is rewired.
First MIDI should go into Cubase and than from cubase thru rewire into Reason.