More md8


New member
I'm just looking into minidisk and read with interest the earlier post on the md8. The comparison there [as I understood and about which I may be wrong] was vis-a'-vis other types of recording. Do you have opinions as to how the top brands of mini's compare. Which ones are in favor etc.

Part of that discussion answered my earlier query as to whether one uses mic pres with mini's. I gather from your varius discussions that you use anything you have available to you.
Yo Haymond De Bob:]

You can get a Martinsound mic pre for some big dollars; I've read about them but have never used one. I use an ART mic pre and it is a pretty good box.

Most folks complain that the mic pres in most recording units are angular - [square] not very good. Some are and some aren't.

I can record on the MD8 using its mic pres and get a pretty good product; with the Art pre, I get "better" results, more, Ommph! More round sound and more focus.

Hope this helps you out.

Green Hornet
I am in the process of setting up a home recording studio and it is pressing the exchecker pretty hard. I'm looking at DaviSound pres which seem to be good but those ol' boys are right proud of them! Anyhow it looks like an md4 may be all that I can make at this time. But from your posts and others, it looks like I could take my mics [2 C1's] and pres and do portable bluegrass with my son. Thanks so much for the replies. BH