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The brand of strings that I use is GHS boomers. I use 11's, plus I tune down a half step(I use a good tuner). I have several guitars and I break the strings quickly on all of them, but the guitar I use the most is an Ibanez strat style guitar, it has just a plain strat style tremelo. I usually break the low E,A,D strings, they always break where I pick the strings. Thank you, LUKE
Try using a medium pick. If you're banging out chords or attacking notes extremley hard, a heavy pick and brute strenth may be more than strings can handle. Also if you are playing the strings hard, is that your style or are you trying to get more volume or tone from your guitar and/or do you play a lot of false harmonics that require bitting into the strings realy hard? If so, try using a distortion or overdrive pedal to help boost your volume by keeping the gain(distortion) set low and the level(volume) set high and boost the highs. Try picking closer to the neck instead of the bridge. You may also want to check out some after market bridge saddles for strat type guitars. They are made to prevent the problem you are having. If the srings are breaking at or close to the bridge, here is a trick that some strat players use: use the plastic insulation found on electrical wire and sleeve the strings where they contact the bridge saddles. This will reduce friction on the strings as they rub across the saddles. (check out some old photos of SRV playing his strat and you will see after market saddels and wire insulation on certian strings)