Mooncastles by Kickstand Savant

Ok guys, this is the last one from this "session" that i will subject you to...all the responses on Need were greatly appreciated, and i will keep them in mind as i remix, retrack, redo, regress...and so on...
So now heres mooncastles,

its probably going to be more of the same...same crappy mics and bad placement, but theres a bit less distortion on the guitar, and i think the overall track is cleaner...
lemme know

thanks in advance
Trying to compare the distortion/clipping with your other song, but I can't remember it well enough. This one's clipping a bit - some on the guitar, but also (I believe) on the vox.

Things overall have kind of a muffled sound to them - a little lack of presence.

Some cool chord progressions in the song. I liked the singer's voice. Some harmonies in the chorus might work.