mono to stereo


New member
any experience/suggestions in turning a mono recording into stereo/pseudo stereo sound? (and no, I am not trying to turn water into wine...)

what would happen if you took the original mono recording and use it as a center, then made a version editing it with some delays and pan it to the right and left?

any suggestions on how to isolate (at least to some degree) individual instruments? using eq?

would it be worth to play the mono recording through the speakers equalizing the sound as best as possible and make a recording in the room using a couple of miks? would this bring some feeling of space or would it just make the sound quality even worth?

Any thought? TIA!!!
Here's some cheating...

I'm sure others will have better advice, but try taking the mono file and copying it in multitrack mode. Then put it about 30ms in front of the original wave. (you can do this by right clicking on the wav block of the first one and looking at the "block properties" - it'll give you a time where the wav block starts). Then do the same thing for the other one, but add 30ms to it. For example, if the first wave started at 00:00.000, the second one needs to start at 00:00.030.

anyway, once you get them offset from each other on seperate tracks, pan one hard left and one hard right. You'll get a fake stereo effect.
I think you've answered most of your own questions. However, if you really want to get each instrument seperated I think you'd be barking up the wrong tree. There is no way that you can seperate instruments especially with MONO recording, you will always have a hint of the other instruments in the background even if you did EQ it to get the best result you can.

Anyway, why do you want to seperate them?

As far as turning a mono into stero is concerned, I think the only way to do so is to keep your master and then make a copy of it to use when manipulating the file. Select what you want, Go to Effects - Amplitude - Channel Mixer and begin to cut out what you don't want. Click OK then save the file under another name.
Click on Edit - Undo what you've done, then repeat the process. Once you've done that, make sure that both the files you created are loaded into CEP and click on the multitrack view and insert each one into different tracks. Right click on each track and pan them accordingly. Then right click on the next available track and choose to mixdown all waves. You will then have your stero effect. Double click the mixdowned file and edit it to your taste and save that file under another name.
