Mono To stereo help


New member
Ok, Is it possible to take a 1/4 mono plug on 1 end and split it into 2 mono plugs on the other end? the mixer I am looking at buying has 4 mic inputs 4 stereo inputs and only 2 line inputs.

What are you trying to do? You can split outputs but it doesn't work too well to combine signals to an input.

well, i am not sure what it is that you are trying do.

if you are trying to create more INPUTS for the mixer, it wont work very well. but you should note if your mixer has 4 stereo inputs that also equals 8 mono inputs.......

anyway. a little more specifics and we could help you out.

BTW, you ansered a post about turning the mike boost off and haveing a line input. That is not necessarily true. The mike jack accepts a stereo plug, but not really a stereo. it has voltage on it to power the condener mikes on must of the cheapie headsets. it does not go to l/r inputs...for the record.

good luck
Well, I am looking into this mixer, and I see it has 4 mic inputs, (I need 4) but it only has 2 line ins (I need 3) the other 4 are stereo, I was wondering if I could split a mono plug into the 2 channels of the stereo.

that is all.
I don't think you would need to. Typically when a mixer has a line level stereo channel and you only plug into the left jack, it treats it as a mono input. At least on my little mixer it does. If yours doesn't, then Yeah you can split it to the two.

crankz1 is right. usually, if you have a stereo input (on a mixer) if you just insert the left jack, the cirucuitry is designed to treat that as a MONO input.

which mixer are you looking and, and what are you going to record at the "SAME TIME"

HOw many mikes/sources do you need to use at once? if you are going to record a whole band live "at once" then you are going to need lots more inputs.

and here is a tip..... right more inputs than you ever think you will need. you will fill them up fast. trust me!!!!

good luck!!!!
I am looking at a Yamaha 10/2. It has 4 xlr inputs 2 rca inputs and 4 stereo inputs

I am looking to record 4 drum mics and 2 guitars at the same time.

mics sources that I need are 3 or 4 depending on the way I want the drums to sound.
1/4 inputs aren't made to accept guitar level signals. You need to use some type of guitar preamp/processor/modeller first in the chain.