Mono bleeds into stereo technique??


New member
Hi guys,

I've been teaching myself about the recording process (as ya do) doing a few bits here n there and sort of know my way round my Tascam 2488 MK2 (altho I still have alot to learn in general).

Theres a particular technique I hear in a couple of songs and curious as to how it is done or if its even achieveable with the experience I have. whereby the guitar part(s) sound "mono" for X amount of time or however long the riff is and then goes into the "stereo" image as it were?? or even if that makes sense haha

here are two youtube links of the songs in question. - Alter Bridge "Watch Your words" - Lamb of God "Descending"

I don't know whether its two totally different techniques or not hence why I'm asking for advice/guidance. It's just an idea i had for one of my songs again, whether its achieveable at my level of expertise is of course another thing,

Thanks in advance for your time and comments.
2 guitars?

Lamb of God has two (2) guitarists. Alter Bridge is comprised of everyone from Creed except the original vocalist. Both of them will use stereo micing techniques and multiple guitar parts. It's possible that what you are hearing is just a part where either a second guitar comes in, or a second recording of the same guitar comes in. I can't listen to the clips right now but I will listen to them later and try to help you identify what is going on with them.
Yes this is correct. I know the two bands =p i've had the good fortune of seeing them live quite some time ago now. im a huge fan of Mark tremonti's work underated guitarist imo.

I agree it is a combination of mic'ing techniques and a mulplitude of guitars.
I thinking could be a the guitar track is eq'd or some sort of filter effec, im not entirely sure hence why i'm asking for opinion, comments and general recording knowledge.

Thanks for your time dude!
How about some time points where what you're interested in happens?
(For whatever reason I don't even get the second track to play for sh**.. tonight or three days ago.
Yeah sorry about that =] the technique or sound i've tried to explain is right at the begining of both tracks or more specifically....

"Watch You Words" its from 00:00 to around 00:12 into the song.


"Descending" is from 00:00 to 00:15 into the song.


Thanks for you time and comments.
Sorry it took me so long, I've been quite busy. On Descending, the guitar stays decidedly to the right during that intro and afterwards even. (at least on my macbook speakers with me positioning my head in the direct center above the keyboard) There's definitely a stereo filter sweep effect in there as well as some pretty heavy chorusing and a deep reverb. Sounds like what they did was mono record the guitar and bus it to 2 auxes, one with the reverb and one with the filter sweep, then used plugin automation on the filter sweep toward the end for that sharp rise (or turned the volume up sharply on another send with the EQ enabled) i'll take a more detailed listen later in headphones that im sure arent blown on one side and my monitors.