Monitors -RCA in or 1/4inch?


New member
hello, I have read lots of great info here about studio monitors.

WHat i need to know and haven't located through the search engine, is what kind of inputs ar eon the back of these speakers?

Can I connect the speakers up with RCA connectrs? or would I hook them up utilizing my 1/4" Mon Out jacks on my mixer??

I iam gonna buy a set and was wondering what connection type they suually are....

any ifo appreaciated
What kind of "studio monitors" are we talking about here? If they are passive (not amplified) then you will need a power amp to drive 'em. Active (powered) monitors will probably use RCA's for hookups. What monitors are you looking at?
Ace2000 said:

Can I connect the speakers up with RCA connectrs? or would I hook them up utilizing my 1/4" Mon Out jacks on my mixer??

For powered monitors its usual to have 1/4" unbalanced and RCA balanced inputs, with the latter being the preferred ones.
blrepfifusouh skdgoiy x dfsoiy s flwieyiw
OKOKOK I admit it...................... I've gone completely round the bend nuts crazy weird Ignore everything I've ever typed
but BALANCED RCA???????????????????????? really,,,, now I know I'm crazy Anyone who doesn't know the difference between XLR and RCA should NOT have anything to do with audio
I rest my case.
Thanks for pointing that one out Em:confused:
well< i have a Tascam us428 controller, that has unbalanced RCA outs, what kind of moniters should I get, active or passive?

The tascam has a line out level knob so i assume I would not need active(powered) monitors, right?
Ace2000 said:
well< i have a Tascam us428 controller, that has unbalanced RCA outs, what kind of moniters should I get, active or passive?

The tascam has a line out level knob so i assume I would not need active(powered) monitors, right?

a passive monitor is what you connect to a power amp; an active monitor has a built-in amp... has nothing to do with the "line-out level knob"... you simply can't connect passive monitors to an RCA output, you need to *amplify* that RCA output first.
simplicity is confusing me right now guys.

Do monitirs have RCS connectors on them, or 1/4 inch?

Or do they come with both?
Ace2000 said:
well< i have a Tascam us428 controller, that has unbalanced RCA outs, what kind of moniters should I get, active or passive?

The tascam has a line out level knob so i assume I would not need active(powered) monitors, right?

Red Nucleus is correct. You have 2 options:

A: active (self powered)
B: a power amp and passive monitors

Which kind you would prefer depends on what kind of setup you want. If you get the active kind, you'll have less pieces to deal with but an extra power cord. Passive means running speaker wire as well as RCA's, one power cord but another box.

My advice: if your short on space go for the active. If not, get the passives and an amp. The second option gives you more flexability and the ability to upgrade components later.

Just my $.02