Monitors, headphones? Advice required!


New member

I've started recording and mixing my bands demo stuff and I realise I may need better gear even for demos..

This is what im using atm.

Tascam U144 interface.
Using some standard panasonic headphones
Also output to my Creative inspire ye old speakers.

I'm guessing I can't really get good results out of this, especially if I mixed say a demo or EP i'd expect to charge for, not just for myspace and various online things.

Thing is, I live in a second floor masonette (for those who don't know what this is, its basically a 2 story flat but the doors are on the outside lol).

Atm the neighbours have moved out. But i'm guessing using monitors would be quite loud.

Also this room, I can't really treat it as I need permission to make any proper changes to the property. I thought i'd be better off using monitor headphones but I can't really afford high end stuff.

Could I have some advice on what I can do in this situation?

Headphones (even the nicest $5k headphones you can find) are basically unacceptable for mixing. They're nice for editing, okay for zeroing in on anomalies, etc., etc. But you can't judge the low end content, you can't hear phase relationships, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Broadband trapping doesn't have to be permanent -- 2'x4'x4" traps can be stacked in a corner, bags of R32 can be stacked in a corner, etc.

The only thing I can present are two of the only "real" rules in all of audio --

1) No matter your listening skills, no matter your level of experience, no matter how many years you've been doing this, no matter how good your front end might be, you will only ever hear as accurately and consistently as your monitoring chain allows you to hear.

2) No matter how accurate and consistent your monitoring chain may be, it will only ever be as accurate and consistent as the room they're in allows them to be.

Your monitoring chain and room treatment are far and away the most important investments you will make. Nothing else comes close by a long shot.
Yeah, but I assume some headphones are better than others...

Am I right in thinking speakers, headphones and such have EQ built in almost, but monitors play everything flat without messing with it? Hence the need for special monitors or monitor headphones?

Back on the room..
If i were to get monitors.. can any room be treated to an alright standard? This rooms not massive, has a cupboard, shelves and the like.. Could it be done affordably?
