monitoring levels during recording?


New member
can I monitor my track level during recordings through the levels meter of AA3or is that not possible? If so, please let me know...Im using fast track pro also..
can I monitor my track level during recordings through the levels meter of AA3or is that not possible? If so, please let me know...Im using fast track pro also..

Hi...I know that in CEP and AA 1.5 (of which i'm a user/abuser), if you (right?) click on the VU meters you get a series of option relating to VU monitor and VU resolution and I guess you should see something called 'monitor/show/display on play and record'...etc...anyways...give that a shot.
Or is it a case of not being able to see the meters at all?? which case you can enable them from the menu.
In 2.0 there's a choice called Options>Monitoring>Audition Mix>Smart Input. I assume this is carried on in 3.0, which I haven't looked at yet. Anyway, "Monitors the input only when recording the track. When playing back, monitors only the clips on the track, not the input."

If, instead, you go to Options>Monitoring>Audition Mix>Always Input, you don't get playback.

I'm pretty sure you need to enable the ASIO drivers for this to work. I have reverted back to 1.5 (to preserve compatibility with another person who has CEP -- the .ses formats are not the same, beginning with 2.0 and, while 2.0 will convert earlier versions, the earlier versions can't read them in the 2.0 format), which does not use ASIO. I use a hardware digital mixer with its own monitoring routing, so it's not an issue with my setup.

I hope this helps...I would have responded sooner but I wasn't sure if 3.0 was the same.