Monitoring/Firepod Issue


Alchemy slut
So a couple weeks ago, my system suddenly (I think) started playing mono. Either that or I just noticed it. From the Firepod, I'm going from the Main CR Outputs into my KRK sub, then out from there to my rp5's. This happens during playback or input mode, in my own sessions and when playing commercial music back through wmp or anything. I'm getting sound through both speakers but its only left channel audio. Whenever I pan anything to the right it disappears. I'm sure it's something simple, as I didn't have this problem all along, it must be something software related. I use cool edit pro and adobe audition if it matters. Any ideas?
do you have a bad or unplugged cable? heh, that happened to me once...I went a few days just thinking it was the new speakers I had bought, but it turns out the right channel was not passing audio. it was a bad adapter.