Monitoring Final Mixdown


New member
I've just started using my Zoom MRS802, but I'm having a few problems when doing final mixdown.

When I get everything sounding great on headphones plugged directly into the zoom and record the master track, then burn it to CD, it sounds completely different on the my stereo/computer, and I seem to suffer from bass rumbles. Should I take the outputs from my zoom to another piece of equipment (eg a Minidisc or tapedeck) and plug the headphones into it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Your ears react differently to headphones than they do to speakers. Like Ken said, you need to listen through speakers of some kind. Even a home stereo will give you a better idea of what's going on in the mix.

P.S. Nice to see another Red Dwarf fan on the site!
D'oh, I'm such a newbie! :o

Looks like I'm gonna have to save up my pennies to get me a pair of those Wharfdale 8.2's everyones raving about.

Thanks guys.
Paid a deposit on a pair of Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2a's today, managed to talk the store manager into letting me have them for £250/$388 (Wharefdale themselves wanted £145/$225 for each speaker, you guys in the states have no idea how good you have it). I'll have them by next thursday.

I've got a feeling I'm gonna have the perspective of "I was deaf, and now I can hear"
Everyone is right concerning the reference monitors; however, just remember that those headphones are a great way to monitor your master after you've burned it to disc. They reveal things that are sometimes undetectable in the mixdown process, especially regarding the stereo spectrum.