Monitoring a POD and PC


New member
Here's my dilemma -

I use a POD and Cubase simultaneously, but the POD (running direct) cannot be monitored via my soundcard output, and running a separate set of speakers out of the POD makes it impossible to predict how the POD will sound once tracked on my PC.

As far as I can tell, the only solution to this problem is to buy a set of monitors with dual inputs - like the M-Audio DX4s, so that I can monitor BOTH out of the same speakers. Is there anything under $300 that you'd recommend for this? Alternatively, do you know any better way of working this out?
If you run the Pod outputs to the soundcard Line Inputs then you will be able to monitor it from the soundcard outputs provided you have your device settings correct in Cubase. You don't need to buy extra speakers.
Right now I'm using the USB connection, because the soundcard's line ins are trash (I have a useless Creative Audigy 2 ZS).

Any soundcard / USB / firewire interface you'd recommend, for the same price?