monitor routing question


New member
I have a monitoring/recording/routing question.

Here is my chain

Mic - Behringer 1204 UB Pro mixer - Delta 1010lt
and then back out
Delta 1010lt - mixer - amp - speakers

What I want to accompilish is to have separate control for going from the mixer to the computer with my voice and also be able to seprately control how much of my voice and how much of my playback goes to the monitor.

On the mixer there are no direct outs. I have a pre and a post fader. My idea was to send the signal out to my computer through the aux sends. These I believe would only be controlled by the pre and post faders. I would then send the signal out of the computer into my stereo ins which is tracks 5/6. I would have the pre and post faders for that channel at 0 so no signal would go to the computer from there. I would then hook up my main outs to the amp which would send my original signal (mixer channel 1 and 2) as well as my computer signal with all of my all ready recorded tracks (mixer channel 5/6) I would then be able to control my monitoring with my main mix and track controls. In theory these controls do not effect my aux sends which are going out to the computer.

I don't know if I'm way off base or if I'm making things to confusing. If any one could give me some advice that would be great. It will be a lot better when I can get a 1604 VLZ but for now this will have to do.
!@#$# ??? HUH ?

sub/group/bus outs is how i THINK you want to do that ?

Dam, I'm still scratching my head on that one.
my hopefully final idea

I will go from the mixer to the ins on the card with the main outs.

I will then go from the card to my line 5/6 on the mixer

Then for the vocals I will use my post aux out and go into line 7.

I will bus 5/6 and 7 to my alt out bus and that will be what goes to my monitors. Then the post fader on the channels will control how much of the input source goes to the monitors.