Monitor Question ... Definitely NEWBIE!


New member
I've got a Roland VM-3100 connected to my laptop via an Edirol UA-1A adapter. At this point, I don't need multiple tracks ... two (left/right) will do just fine. I've been using my headphones to monitor the recordings, but I'd like to run it through some speakers.

I'm waiting to get some better monitors down the road after I pull in some cashola from a couple gigs. For now, I've just got some cheapy KLH speakers that I'd like to use. (I could run the signal through our JBLs, but I don't think my wife would appreciate that! *grin*)

The back of the KLHs have standard inputs (red wire/black wire). I'm looking to hook one speaker up to one output on the board (i.e. one for right, one for left). Is this even possible? Do I need to use both wires (red & black/silver)?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Didn't you just ask this question a couple of days ago? Or was it someone else?

Anyway, the answer is "no."

The KLH speakers 9and any standard consumner stereo speakers) are made to be driven by an amplified signal delivered through speaker wire from an amplifier. The Edirol you are describing outputs line level signals like a standard consumer CD player or cassette recorder. They are very small signals and need to be run through an amplifier before they can be heard.
Ignore Last Post !!

Okay ... I was fairly tired when I typed this last post. Yeah ... I posted something similar a few days ago, but I was looking to go straight from the Edirol adapter to the speakers. This last post was to go from the VM-3100 to the speakers. As my wife would say ... "DAR!" (Long story.)

Uh ... thanks for checking out this post, but don't worry about it. Umm ... yup.


Sorry I didn't read it more closely...

Does the VM-3100 have speaker outouts (in other words, does it have a builit-in amnplifier)? If so, yes, you should be able to do that. If they are line-level outputs, then it's the same situation as with the Edirol...
Yup ... Screwed

Yup ... I realized that once I started looking into the issue more closely. (The VM-3100 is still a new mixer to me.) I'll have to take a look for some powered monitors. The manual suggests a pair of Roland DS-90 Powered Monitors. Does anyone else have suggestions ... at an affordable price?
