Monitor / Amp Solution Help....


New member
Hello all, I'm pretty new to the Home Recording Scene and I'm towards the end of finishing my Studio Project. I'd be really greatful for any advice on a Monitor / Amp solution for my plackback etc......

I'll set the story out for what I've got so far (in case that helps??):

I've gone down the analogue route, and I'm recording using a TASCAM 38-8, and will be adding another machine (4 Tracks for mixdown) shortly. I have a TASCAM M520b Desk, and various different mics (57's, 58's, MK12's, ATM25). The room I'll be using as the control room isn't that big, it's about 8ft wide, 11ft long, and 7ft high.

I'd like to be spending less than £1500 if possible (I'm in England)........

Any advice at all would be cool........


First of all, congrats on the 520, we use a 520 as our analogue tracker, and I love the sound. real warm, and silly as it is, it just FEELS good to use.

monitors, there are a lot of suggestions, but since you have 1500 to spend, I'd really recommend active monitors as my first blanket statement. More bang for your buck.

You could try mackies 624s, which we use for surround monitoring, they're very flat honest monitors, althought they're not terribly powerful, so that might hold you back depending on the kind of music your playing.

I'd personally caution agains their big brother the 824s, as I've found them to be very misleading in the low end. They sound brilliant, and that's just the problem, they lie to you, and you end up mixing to them, and having very shrill mixes.

Also in that price range. you could look at the krk's the v8s are about 500.00 (US) a pop, so you could get two of them... essentially a standard, and in tons of studios. They tend to do the opposite of the mackie 824s by artificially propping up the high-end, but I think its easier to compensate with them.

The most important piece of advise, take something you know and love, and go to your local music store and listen listen listen... you have to find something that YOU would be able to listen through day in and out, and not get fatigued or mislead.

Good luck.

Radium Reactor
I think the Blue Sky Pro Desk system is around $1500 or less. Powered satellites and a sub and they claim to be flat down to 30hz or so. I haven't had a chance to try them but I've yet to hear anything bad about them.

Cheers for the advice you two guys, much appreciated.

You've given me one or two things to have a look into, and more importantly some makes/models to look out for (That's what I was looking for essentially)

FYI the kind of music I'll be playing is predominantly rock, but there's everything from funk to acoustic and then back again in there!

Thanks again,

