Monitor Alternatives

Organ Grinder

New member
The last component I'll be buying for my home studio will be monitors. At this point, cash flow is low and I'm going to have to wait.

How bad will my results be if I use a large "boom box" for a trmporary monitor? I figure it beats headphones or computer speakers and, let's face it, the CD is going to be heard on home stereo systems anyway, so what's the harm?

Inquiring minds want to know.
The harm is that your music is going to be heard on home stereo systems anyways. :) Seriously, this is probably something that you're going to learn on your own very shortly. If you can't afford monitors and a power amp, then you're probably just going to use your boombox. My advice to you is to listen to the mixes you make on as many sources as the car...home stereos...etc.

Slackmaster 2000
Organ Grinder said:
The last component I'll be buying for my home studio will be monitors.
heh-heh... you're new to this recording thing then, aren't you???
The addiction starts with the first piece of gear you buy, then you want more, then better, then more, then better, and so on... and so on... and so on.... ;)

Anyways, a pair of Yorkville YSM-1s are around $200 and are well worth the investment - although you will need an amp to power them. You could get by using a home-stereo amp... it would be MUCH better than a boombox....

If you mix with a sony XYZ speakers, it will translate well on all XYZ systems. Now for the rest of the world who doesn't own XYZ, it MAY sound poopy. Get monitors early on, it really will help your desire to keep recording.
I have the same problem...

...and have been looking into an inexpensive solution. I have been getting by with computer speakers (I can see the audio snobs cringing now) - at least they are Altec Lansing speakers.

I have come across the following monitors that seem somewhat affordable. If anyone has any experience or information on any of these, that would be great:

Event 20/20 Monitor (unpowered) - $150 each
PS-3.1 Monitors (powered) - $200 pair
Event PS5 Powered Monitor - $220 each

I am particularly curious about the Fostex...can't seem to find those Yorkville monitors - does anyone know where I can get them online?

Another viable alternative to the Yorkvilles are the Tannoy Proto-Js - very similar sonically, pretty much the same price.

Are the Yorkvilles or Tannoy's shielded? The cheapest shielded monitors I've seen are the Event 20/20. They sound pretty good, to.
Personally I feel why wait? I use a bookshelf stereo system (AIWA) about 200 watts and have it right by my computer, its great, you dont need the best speakers around to mix, in fact i think its better to start with flat response on ok speakers because people may hear it on all kinds of systems and you want everyone from a little tinny boombox to a full P.A. 1000 watt system to fully enjoy it and if you start small you can achieve that, i have.
The problem is that most bookshelf systems do not have flat response. Consumer stereo systems attempt to make the music sound good, not flat. Thus, mixing on such systems will be more forgiving not reveal the true nature of the mix. Thus, the mix generally does not translate well to other systems with different frequency responses (like walkmans, car stereos, hi-fis, boomboxes...)

Also, many bookshelf systems do not have adequate frequency response. Therefore, frequencies above and below the frequency response of one system may reveal their ugly heads on systems with better frequency response.

Accordingly, bookshelf systems are not the desired way to monitor your mixes.
amonte- don't know about the tannoys but the old ysm-1's aren't shielded. according to their web site though, the new ysm-1i's (same thing but without the cloth grille and some cosmetic changes) are shielded. but i'm not sure if they are shipping the new improved version yet. i wonder if they are going to charge more for it since the shielding kit for the ysm-1's was an extra $40 or so.
KRK Rokits sell for $150 each also, and they sound good, too. I A/B them with the Event 20/20s at GC for about an hour last Friday (using Steely Dan's Aja), and they held up pretty well.

To my ears the 20/20s were a little more detailed (less muddy in the low-mids?) and had slightly better separation and stereo imaging. But overall, I was impressed with the KRKs, and they're a lot smaller and lighter than the Events (I think the Events, although I like them a lot, are too big to work in my space).

Oh yeah, they're shielded.

Here's a review of the Rokits from Sound on Sound:
I'm sure this has been beat to death here before but I've had good results using Genesis and Polk home stereo speakers. They both came with frequency response graphs and they're pretty damn flat. Looking at mid price range mixing monitors graphs I've seen that they are usually dead flat. So how big is the difference between my stereo speakers and mixing monitors? I also use a nice Yamaha 80 watt stereo amp with a tone/balance control bypass. I switch between the Genesis and the Polk and use different volumes. Works for me now. I am planning on buying nice mixing monitors but I'm not in a super rush. I've found after moving into a new home that the room I'm mixing in makes a big difference. Walking into a different room is also another way I check the mix. I know these mixing monitors are "near-field" to eliminate the room but as soon as you raise the volume of these past soft speaking volumes the room must come into effect.

I agree

Hey. I'm in your situation currently and am using the bookshelf monitors from my AIWA $250 stereo. Woo Hoo. Admittedly, they aren't the greatest. HOWEVER!!! I DID purchase a really GOOD pair of HEADPHONES. Between the headphones AND the desktops I'm doing just fine. I purchase my monitors next month and am curious to see how much better they do. I'm sure the sound quality will be great. But i will STILL bounce between headphones and monitors to get the correct sound. And the statement made about monitoring with Boombox or Desktop speakers is true. You get to hear your stuff how it will sound when people pop your CD or tape into their gear and take a listen. Even when i get my monitors I'm going to keep that in mind. Good Luck! :)

OH! And what he said about listening to your stuff EVERYWHERE, like cars, small boxes, bigger boxes, NICE STEREOS, etc. Really does help too. I will also continue to do that when i purchase my monitors. You'd be amazed at what does and does not come out when you listen to your stuff in different ....what's the right word...appliances? NO! But you know what I mean.
You dont need monitors, regular speakers are just as good. In fact they are better. Dont waste your money on monitors. I own a pair of events, yorkvilles, and NS10s but they just dont cut it. I tried using my consumer aiwa speakers on a newbie's suggestion and its like night and day. The definition and clarity on my mixes now is amazing.
JuSumPilgrim said:
You dont need monitors, regular speakers are just as good. In fact they are better. Dont waste your money on monitors. I own a pair of events, yorkvilles, and NS10s but they just dont cut it. I tried using my consumer aiwa speakers on a newbie's suggestion and its like night and day. The definition and clarity on my mixes now is amazing.

JSP, I assume you're kidding???

what do you think Bruce???? :D

Im so tired of this annoying conversation and it never goes away. Thousands of threads have gone over the same ground, why cant people do searches? When was the last time anyone did a mix on Aiwa speakers and had a mix that was remotely worth listening to? Enough already!!!!!