moniitoring recording


New member
Is there a way to set up Cakewalk so you can hear what you are recording while recording. For example, say I'm adding a guitar track over drums, I can hear the drums, but not the guitar I'm recording.


Go to Options-Audio and click on the Advanced tab and make sure that Simultanious Record/Playback is checked. If it is and it still doesn't work then your soundcard is half duplex, which means that you can't record and have playback at the same time. If this is the case then you'll have to get a full duplex soundcard I have the Turtlebeach Montego (I think it was around $70 - $80). Go to your computer store and have them recommend a good full duplex soundcard for you.

Hope this helps

full duplex and hearing what you are recording are two different issues

full duplex, means that you can hear the drums while you record the guitar, but you won't necessarily hear the guitar too, although it is being recorded. the million dollar questiong is: while you hear the drums, are you still recording the quitar? if you want to hear the drums and the guitar while recording the guitar, then you want full duplex with a patch from the IN to the OUT on the recording track.

my soundcard is configured to use an ADAT lightpipe (8 track) as well as stereo SPDI/F connections. This way, I can monitor using the SPDI/F, while recording on the lightpipe. The soundcard (Frontier Design WaveCenter) has an internal patch bay that allows you to listen to the track as it's being recorded.

Maybe you can explain that a bit? I don't understand. I have my guitar through the POD going directly into my soundcard. When I play it, the only way I can hear it is because the computer's on and the Line In is enabled for "playback." To record, I simply arm the track, play along with what I hear, and I'm done (the Line In is also enabled for recording, of course).

During recording, the application is writing data to disk (my new guitar part) and reading data from the disk (the pre-recorded rhythm tracks). The sum of both those signals (the Line In from guitar and the Wave Out from the hard disk) is what I hear.

Maybe that's all you are saying...

I think what he's trying to say is that your sound card won't necessarily route the input (live guitar) to the output (live guitar+drums). Cakewalk won't do this for you either (even if it did you'd probably have latency issues). All full duplex means is that you can playbay and record at the same time (which brian-idol is capable of). What you need to do is check out the mixer software that comes with your sound card. Most of them will let you route an input directly to an output. But some (like my gadget labs 8/24) won't. For these you'll probably need to use a mixer to monitor what you're recording along with the sound card output. Hope that helped.
Gnarled's got it right.

I use a Delta 1010. The control panel for the Delta has a choice of outputs for each input pair. For example the 1/2 input can be set to wave out, or HW 1/2 out, or HW 3/4 out, etc. (I assume the HW is hardware). The same choices exist for all the other input pairs - allowing you to route any input to any output (or to wave out).

If I am recording on input 1, I have to set the 1/2 input to HW 1/2 out in order to hear myself. Wave out doesn't work, since there isn't any wave yet. The other (pre-recorded) tracks are set to some "wave out" setting other than 1/2 (since that's being used). Normally I keep all the recorded tracks routed to Wave 7/8 out, and leave the first six inputs for monitoring live stuff.

I don't know if this makes any sense... but as Gnarled said, you need to route the input directly to one of the outputs to hear the live stuff. Otherwise you'll just get the recorded tracks.
The way the Delta 66 is set up for me is that my WAV Outs (I'm only using 1/2) and my WAV Ins are going through the Delta Monitor Mixer. So both what I'm playing into the inputs and what's pre-recorded and coming off the hard drive are both routed together to HW 1/2.
AlChuck - I'll have to play around with mine. I know if you set your "live source" to Wave Out you can't hear yourself, but I didn't realize you could playback the pre-recorded stuff through the HW Out settings. I thought that needed the Wave Out setting. Hmmm...

My setup has been working fine for me, but I always like to explore capabilities.

The Delta patchbay is not the most "obvious" piece of software I've ever run across. In the beginning I usually just ended up clicking all the buttons until I got it to do what I wanted it to do. :)