Monday Night

King Soda

New member
Ive been writing songs for a couple of years now and this is the first time i seriously tried to put something on tape, well actually not tape...i recorded this masterpiece with Samplitude(the guitar and the bass are direct, the drums are ones and zeros)

Before i play this song to my friends and enemies i'd like to receive some criticism and comments about the song,the "production" not the greatest singer or guitar player so don't be TOO critical.

So...please go to and search for artist King Soda then listen to the song Monday Night.
King Soda - should be a hyperlink (url) to your page, if you don't have one, go to your studio page and create one. Would save a mouseclick or two.
Anywho, the tune starts out and I crank up my speakers then, blam! Heavy guitars . . . yeah . Mix sounds real good and clean. Vocals are clean too, but should come up just a bit, methinks.
ok thanks bball jones...ill will pump da vocals up a bit.

So the recording is good enough but what are your thoughts about the song itself. Is it boring? too long? annoying? or just plain crap? Any comments are highly appreciated.
Nice song..I thought the distorted guitar sound was too distorted and way too up front...bass got lost...yeah bring the vox up, even add a little reverb my opinion, those things would add some polish to the tune....gibs