mon for elect. music


New member
Hi, I'm creating mostly elect. music.. ambiant, dub, techno

could you recommend monitors that fit better theses types of

music ?

what about sub considerations ?


Yo Bamble of Scramble:]

Monitors require your ears first, then your wallet. Good monitors will give you a pretty image of any type of music.

There is about 20,000 kilos of "stuff" about monitors on this site. Just ask Bruce!

Heh, heh, heh.

Green Hornet
If you are using strictly samples, you can get away with a good home stereo system with an adjustble/phase reversible subwoofer.
Gargamel said:
If you are using strictly samples, you can get away with a good home stereo system with an adjustble/phase reversible subwoofer.
I disagree Gargamel. The standards for sound quality in electronica are very high [take the latest "Suzuki In Dub" release from Tosca (Dorfmeister + Huber) as a shining example]. And the music pushes the limits of the entire frequency spectrum.

I'm usually not an advocate of 'mixing for the market'. I'm into trying to achieve the best possible sound regardless of what sells to the vast majority of boom box owners. But in the case of electronica I don't mind speaking of market concerns, because the standards are so high. Most of the music gets filtered down to the public through the DJ circuit. And if you want to sell records to DJ's, they damned well better sound GOOD. This means you need a very good monitoring system.

What's your budget Tom?

monitors for elect. music

sorry for the late reply
my budget "wants" to be max. $500

but if you got sth for bout $300
do tell...

Thanks, Tom