Module-Synth-Computer problem


New member
Help needed please

Hey, does anyone have any experience using a Roland XV 50-50 with a synth and computer? I'm trying to configure it with CakeWalk Po Audio 9, but the module dosn't seam to want to perform in seperate parts. It only sounds if I use the first of my 16 channels in CakeWalk.

I have managed to conect the module with a USB line straight to the computer, then a MIDI conection from the synth to the computer. This works fine, but the darn thing just dosn't seem to sound when I select other channels on the software.

I dont think you need to use both midi and USB (use one or the other) and make sure you are in multi mode. I personally dont have the XV but assuming it works like any other synth module you will need to setup a different channel on the midi/usb for each multi program channel (i.e. patch one will be Midi Port A, channel 1, patch two will be Midi Port A, channel 2 etc)