Moan - too many tracks for computer

Update - turned off my Wireless adapter and the Performance monitor dropped a GB of memory (to about 2.1GB) and no issues mixing the original 35 track project.

I may be overloading it with plugins. I also recently installed Lexicon plugins so they may be CPU intensive compared to the stock reverb they have. It takes forever to export a wav file compared to Sonar 1... On the positive side I can burn a CD in just a few minutes whereas ten years ago it took an hour - if you didn't fail half way through.

Experienced a similar problem with plug ins knackering the CPU. Resaved the project as version 2 with the instruments using the plug ins removed. Mixed down version 1 to an audio file with all instruments muted apart from those using the plug ins, then inserted the tracks into version 2 as .wav You get the same sound you needed the plugins for, but it doesn't need to be processed "at the time".

Not a very technical answer, but it worked for me

I just bought a laptop at Microcenter with 8 gig of RAM and an i7 chip for 600 bucks. Sometimes you should just spend the money and save yourself the pain. Even if you figure out how to trick it into working for awhile the thing is stressed, some other BS hassle will emerge sure as you're born.
Nope - no new laptop until my wife's Escape is paid off or it dies. For now I just suffer and find workarounds.