Mmmwwwahahahaha....tone, glorious tone!


New member
Loads of fun! I love blending amps! Thought you guys might enjoy the army.

Everyone here is also a gear slut, right?

I'm Jealous!

You obviously give good head! ha ha ha

I'm jealous, as well as glad to come across someone else who knows that two distortions (or more) are better than one!

I don't have the $ to blend multiple tube heads, but I have been blending distortions as well as other effects via two stereo multi effects processors for some time now.

Find a killer tone with one, then blend it with a killer tone from the other, and WHOA!!! You'll never be the same.

I have blended a Marshall JCM900 with a SUNN T-100. It was Killer!!!

Do you blend in stereo?
Do you blend in stereo?
I guess you could say that. We had multiple doubled parts that we did tonight on two songs. We have 10 more songs to go on this album. We had an i5, e609s, SM7, and a Fat Head II on the cab and blended those until we found a good one or two on the head we were using.

We would switch heads after that and then pick another good mic combination. We actually found that the i5 with the SM7 was awesome for rhythm tracks while the i5 with the FHII were great for leads. All the amps seen got some use.

From left to right and top to bottom:

Twist - Custom built 50W tube head. This amp freakin' rules.
Peavey JSX
Marshall JCM 800
Twist - Another custom built tube head. Different beast than the other one but still freakin' awesome!
Soldano Hot Rod 50 prototype
Mesa Dual Rectifier
Fender Custom Shop '59 Bassman Reissue

Next week, we'll be adding a couple more Fenders to the army for doing some cleans.

ah, where's the boutiques at??
What qualifies as a boutique? That term is thrown around a lot these days.
and is Myriad related to the band?
It's my band, if that's what you mean.
I've always considered boutique as in the rare and typically hand built amps.
but typically loosely throw it around for calling the more rarely seen amps..
Well, you aren't going to find any of the hand built Twist amps. And you aren't going to find a Soldano Hot Rod 50 prototype either. Then there's the Fender Custom Shop '59 Bassman Reissue. So, there's your boutique amps. 4 of them.

Uh, no.
Well, you aren't going to find any of the hand built Twist amps. And you aren't going to find a Soldano Hot Rod 50 prototype either. Then there's the Fender Custom Shop '59 Bassman Reissue. So, there's your boutique amps. 4 of them.

Uh, no.

I used to work right down the street from soldano in ballard/seattle. I always wanted to go over there and see if they'd give me a tour, but I figured they would probably just tell me to get lost.
RE: Blending in Stereo

I guess you could say that. We had multiple doubled parts that we did tonight on two songs. We have 10 more songs to go on this album. We had an i5, e609s, SM7, and a Fat Head II on the cab and blended those until we found a good one or two on the head we were using.

We would switch heads after that and then pick another good mic combination. We actually found that the i5 with the SM7 was awesome for rhythm tracks while the i5 with the FHII were great for leads. All the amps seen got some use.

What I meant was, do you blend sounds simultaneously live?

This can be done with a simple "Y" cord from the guitar into two separate heads for MONO (Make sure heads are in phase to eliminate extra noise).

Or for the ultimate blend, go stereo! Plug into a stereo effect box and let 'er rip! If you don't want the effect, simply bypass it. Use it purely for stereo separation. You will not be satisfied with playing live through one head at a time ever again.

Obviously, you want a bigger blended sound for your recordings. Try achieving your ultimate sound live!
thought i would add my shameless candy...... not a multi-thousand collection of boutique stuff, but a reasonable variety of tones. heh, i have sold the more valuable ones and kept the players! honestly, i dont see how some of you guys and gals do it. i know at least one person whose guitar rig is worth (and cost) more than practically everything i own, including my vehicle!

oh, please excuse the mess.

myriad rocker, i dont have to tell you what a nice stack of amps youve got there. i would love an opportunity to spend an hour or three exploring what those amps have to offer with a little self-indulgent solo jamming, lol.

gear whores unite!

What I meant was, do you blend sounds simultaneously live?

This can be done with a simple "Y" cord from the guitar into two separate heads for MONO (Make sure heads are in phase to eliminate extra noise).

Or for the ultimate blend, go stereo! Plug into a stereo effect box and let 'er rip! If you don't want the effect, simply bypass it. Use it purely for stereo separation. You will not be satisfied with playing live through one head at a time ever again.

Obviously, you want a bigger blended sound for your recordings. Try achieving your ultimate sound live!
No, my live rig is big enough as it is. I see no point in increasing its size when it works just fine for me now.
Loads of fun! I love blending amps! Thought you guys might enjoy the army.

Everyone here is also a gear slut, right?

Nice selection you have there.I use a Rivera and it covers a wide range of tones, but the gear slut in me wont be sated until I see a Splawn sitting next to it.
Show me the Paul!

Gibson Les Paul
PRS Custom 22

Mesa Dual Rectifier
Mesa 4x12 Recto Cab

TC Electronic G Major
DMC Ground Control Pro
Ernie Ball Volume (used to control whammy on G Major)
Morley Bad Horsie II


Mesa's Rock!

Any pics of the Paul?

I am a Gibson guitar guy, but Fender basses rule! (only cause I can't afford a Thunderbird, or a Ricky)

I Love Les Pauls and SG's!!!!!
How much does amp modelling do for tone? I get some good sounds from my pc alone...
You can do a search on this since it's totally opposite of what's going on here. As you can tell from the picture, no amp modeling is done here...

I have a pretty low opinion of amp modeling in general. I think they all sound like poo compared to the real thing.