MMC with O1V, Firepod, and Cubase


New member
hey, I also posted this in the cubase forum,

I am trying to control cubase with my 01v, I have read and read, cant figure it out, does anyone know what I need to do, im losing my mind....not really, but any help would be awesome !
if I understand your question ( which I may not, Im new at this, kinda)
I know the Yamaha 01V can be used as a midi controler, faders and solo buttons etc. I am trying to control Cubase Faders and such remotely with the O1V. Is that what you were asking ?
MMC means 'midi machine control'. It's a protocol which controls the transport features - play, stop, record, etc.

Your 01V will act as a midi controller in Cubase thru the use of Continuous Controllers. The virtual mixer in Cubase will not only respond to fader movements but aux/effects send movements and EQ sweeps too, and these can be saved with the song.

You will need to figure out which channel and which controllers you want to send and recieve on, but after you get one fader working it should be just donkey work to replicate the setup.

It probably wouldn't hurt for you to read these two good tutorials on midi basics - part one and part two.

And welcome to the board!