
That must be a guitar amp simulator. It has a lot of highs, sounds really grainy and is too distorted.
The drumkit sounds like it's underwater. The snare and kick have no high end and the hi-hat has too much. The tom hits are really awkwardly placed in stereo while the rest of the kit is in mono. Bring the toms in closer and spread out the rest of the kit.
I couldn't hear a bass guitar if there was one.

You could try double tracking the guitar and panning one left and right just like about every single metal band out there does it.

Your playing is tight but you really need to work on your sounds.
Agree, the drums have no high end and the toms sounds like someones knocking on my door lol. During the bridge everything seems to be brighter then it goes back to where it was.

Double and hard pan the guitars left and right and see what happens.

I think I hear a bass in there but it way down in volume. Good playing though.