Mixing with Logics Drummer.


New member
Hey all. I'm new to all of this but I'm learning steadily.

I have been recording guitar and programming Logics Drummer program as my drums, and I record guitar at around -12db in order to leave enough headroom. But whenever I use the Drummer software the kick and snare just cause the Drummer and Output to go into the high yellow/red territory. This means I always have to mix the track a lot lower, which means that I lose the impact of the guitars and drums and end up with a lot less volume. If I lower the gain on the kick and snare drum the drums get lost in the mix so I need to mix lower again. If I leave it and let the meter hit the high yellows or red Logic seems to lower the whole mix when I bounce it.

Is there any way round this, it just seems a little too hot? Or do I just need to live with it and add limiters on the master bus after my mix is where I want it to be, volume aside?

Thanks. :)
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Welcome to mixing. The principal objective is to get the right balance of the instruments at every moment in the song. It's not easy.

It's good that you are looking for headroom right from the start. You could even be mixing at lower levels.
. You'll need to calibrate your ears and your monitors to mix at lower perceived loudness. Yes, you can process for loudness later, but you need to achieve a mix balance first.

I assume since you said you can adjust the kick and snare that you've discovered the Producer Kits in Logic. Adjust the faders on each mic in the kit until it has the balance you like (and keeping on eye and ear on your headroom) and do any panning. Then bring up the guitar. You could do the guitar first then the drums. Either way try to achieve a decent static balance.

Then go learn about compression, EQ, reverb, delay, and automation (to start) to get your mix to really hang together.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. I just fear that it will lack any volume if I have to compensate for the hot output the kit gives.

Should I not bother with that and just get the mix right, and turn up my monitors to mix?
Is it possible to bring the volume up to more conventional levels later?
Should I record one song where the guitar sounds perfect and work on that?
