Mixing vocals with software effects


New member
I want to know if anyone has had experience recording vocals from their computer using only software effects (were you happy with the results?) I am planning on buying Power Tracks and Sound Forge XP. Can you use these effects in real time or must you apply them afterwards? I have a POD from Line 6 has anyone had success recording vocals through this machine?
The software FX, ie. DirectX FX work very well. Sound as good or better than lots of the rack stuff available. As far as real time goes. After recording a track you can apply an effect to it, adjust the effect etc.. without actually altering the wav file, and hear the result realtime. What you cannot do is sing a track realtime and hear the effect as it gets recorded. If you find it hard to sing with your vocals dry, you may want some piece of outboard gear that will at least make it more comfortable to sing, but I wouldn't actually record the effected signal. Afterwords you can use the software plugin's to get the exact sound you like.


[This message has been edited by Emeric (edited 09-21-1999).]
Hey Druid:

Can't say this about your unit for recording, but, I've had several units, both tape, and now MD-8 digital. I can record using the FX but the reverb is not recorded on the cut. Or, I can punch a few buttons and record FX as I'm doing the cut. I prefer to add FX after the cut is finished. Recording vocals dry is too dry to the ear for me, as well as my clients. There should be some way to HEAR your FX while recording and then add it when mixing.

Green Hornet