Mixing tutorial website

arsenaultk9 said:
I did A mixing website for a school project and it would be nice if anyone could leave any comment. It's also my band music playing on the mp3 player so If anyone has comments on that it would be even better !

That is a very nice site you have going there. I have not gone through it in it's entirety yet, but I'd like to start you off with a couple of tips regarding the construction of the website itself, if I may.

First and foremost, may I recommend that you increase the horizontal width of the frame containing the scrolling text and/or decrease the size of the cells or column widths containing the text on the target documents themselves, making the all the same width? I suggest this to get rid of the unnecessary horizontal scroll bar.

The text is all apparently CSS formatted to fit within the display frame fine, but because of apparently varying widths of the cells (or their CSS equivalents) on the target documents, the scroll bar is showing up both unnecessarily and also opening to different widths depending upon which section page is displayed. I have not troubleshot all of your CSS, but somewhere in your formatting it the width is varying from page to page.

Second, before "handing this webiste in" you probably want to chage the main frameset title to something other than "Site Layout Bigger"...unless that is part of the assignment instructions.

Third, some proofreading is in order. I haven't gone through it all, but a quick scan revealed a couple of glaring examples:

Section 1, first subtitle: The first word should be "Which", not "Witch" (unless you're talking abut my ex-girlfriend ;) ). Also, technically that subtitle should end in a question mark.

Section 1, second paragraph: "Cool edit Pro (Adobe audition):" The words "edit" and "audition" should be capitalized.

Section 3, first subsection title, "Principal Embellishment Effects" is in a different font than all other section and subsection titles.

There may be more, these are just the ones sticking out at me.

And finally, in the index, I would recommend placing the hyperlinks on the program and project site names themselves rather than having seperate "link to this site" hyperlinks in parenthesis or brackets. It's just a style thing here, I know, but it really is considered better style to use the hyperlinks in the context of the actual text instead of in a "click here" type of presentation. There are exceptions to the style rule, but I don't believe those exceptions apply here.

It's is a very nice site overall. I might be a little picky on my observations, and I certainly don't want to do all of your homework for you ;), but I think those little pointers are fair and could make the difference between a good site and a great site when all is said and done. :)


Thanks, I'm not going to do all changes, but some of them you pointed are must that will help me get better points thanks a lot. :)
Just to be on the anal side, I'd redo the screen shots with something other than free handed mspaint. :p Otherwise, looks pretty tight, pending spell/grammar check.
i found the width of the text screen to be too small. you could gain a lot of space from the borders.

also your hand-drawn MS Paint to highlight stuff on the pics is a bit lame, it would be nice if it were same nice straight lines etc.

other than that, good stuff!