Mixing Symetry?

How symetrical are your mixes?

  • Perfectly symetrical by deleberate design

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Roughly Symetrical by general feel and sound

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Unsymetrical by deleberate design

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Intirely depends on the song

    Votes: 9 42.9%

  • Total voters
I had a reply here, but I deleted it. No use carrying on silly arguments that don't contribute.
Last edited:
Well it does help when you speel stuf corektly, utherwize u just loook like a more-on. people shuld leern how two properlie uz the language they speek.
Bad grammer should not be the standard, we can and must rise above it (start inspirational march music here)

On the other hand, perfect grammer and spelling should not be a replacement or cover-up for a lack of content. The two should go together. What's a mispelled word every now and again, anyway?
chessrock said:
You, on the other hand, seem to be hell-bent on making this the friendliest place on the web for every lazy guy who wants a quick answer, or every dumbass newb who doesn't know why he can't get a good sound plugging his sm58 in to the mic input on his soundblaster.
Oh for christ sake, take a valium, open your eyes, and look at more than what pisses you off. I get on people's cases all the time for not looking for the answer that's only one fucking thread away from the new one they just started, chide them for not finding the answer in the very first response provided by a Google search, or for "just not getting it."

The thing is, I'm making a concerted effort to try and just stay away from the idiotic threads because all they do is piss me off make make me start sounding like a crabby old burnt-out and useless curmudgeon who will wind up with absolutely nobody listening to them because they have become the board grouch. We already have one of those here.

I personally did not find the subject of this thread or the way it's questions were posed to be either useless or stupid the way you did. He at least asked his questions in a reasoned and intelligent way and I thought he deserved an equal response. If that is too "goodie two shoes" for your jaded ass, then that's just too fucking bad, isn't it? You don't like it, then leave. Nobody is asking you to stay here.

The fact is that when you give the kind of answers like you gave here, you're not doing anybody any good. You're not teaching this guy any kind of drill sergeant hard lesson or anything like that. You're just plain and simply coming off like a crabby old asshole. Nothing more, nothing less.

And don't try to tell me that there isn't a huge amount of ego behind your attitude either. It just reeks of egotism; you're just sooooo superior that newbs don't even deserve your attention beyond a "fuck you". So don't go projecting your shit on me, crab ass.

I at least try to stay away from idiotic and repetitive threads. Like the new - yet again - loudspeaker poll that just popped up on the tail of two or three other polls covering the same topic, and populated by a bunch of people who refuse to read what threads are already there before posting new ones, and who just don't get that loudspeaker recommendations are useless. I am not going to even bother with that thread. And there are many others like that as well. My going into those threads and acting like you and telling the posters that they are just fucking idiots and then stating some obvious trite response isn't going to do anybody any good whatsoever. So what's the point? If my responses seem to be more positive than negative, it's because I try to stay away from the negative ones as they serve no purpose.

I am nowhere near the smartest guy on this board on this subject, nor do I care to be. But I do know the topic. When a legit question is asked, I give a legit answer. Occasionally I get it wrong, as we all do. But yeah, of course I like giving good answers. You are one of the very few that actually enjoys giving horseshit answers.

in fact, now that I think about it, in both that thread and this one you gave one of your cranky idiotic responses early before I came in with an actual considered response. That make you look even more crabby and idiotic, didn't it? And that made you even more cranky and idiotic and now you're lashing out at me and blaming me for it.

You have three choices, chess. Give yourself an ulcer over this stupid problem you have with me, get over it like a grown up would, or just leave and go someplace where everybody is the exact same IQ as you and has the exact same beliefs as you so there's nobody to piss you off.

I know you don't want my advice, but if you did, I'd suggest that you just get over it.

I see I didn't delete my post fast enough. Really, I apologize for hijacking the thread with our dumb fight. :D It's my fault, because I instigated it.

That said, I do think that my original post in this thread was very helpful and pertinant for the person who takes the time to contemplate it. "Whatever the fuck sounds good." Can't think of a more helpful piece of advice I've given, in fact. Much quicker and to the point than most replies. Maybe it would have sounded nicer withouit the f-bomb, I suppose, but then it might not have gotten peoples' attention as effectively. :D

chessrock said:
I see I didn't delete my post fast enough. Really, I apologize for hijacking the thread with our dumb fight. :D It's my fault, because I instigated it.

That said, I do think that my original post in this thread was very helpful and pertinant for the person who takes the time to contemplate it. "Whatever the fuck sounds good." Can't think of a more helpful piece of advice I've given, in fact. Much quicker and to the point than most replies. Maybe it would have sounded nicer withouit the f-bomb, I suppose, but then it might not have gotten peoples' attention as effectively. :D

And I too apologize to the forum for wasting everyboy's time on this childish argument. I should have known better, from the get go. Just goes to show, I guess, that I'm not as smart as I can be made out to be and that I realise it as much as anyone else.

My aplogies. Now back to our regular programming...


littledog said:
Doesn't anyone want to comment on my theories of symmetry? I feel so ignored... :(
Hahaha, OK, I'll take a chance and post again, and I'll try not to sound too smug and encyclopedish about it. You see, I do have one big fault in that I actually like discussing things like this. Sue me. :o ;) ...

At least some of the old original recordings from the 50s and 60s where everything was had-panned to one channel or another or down the middle with no in-between was because that was all some of the ancient "consoles" back then allowed you to do; the pan controls were two- or three-position switches and not variable pots. Or it ws because they had no real pan, they were just recording mono tracks directly to tape. This was not always the case, though...some of it was just early infatuation with stereo sound; it really showed off stereo to the max to have stuff hard-panned.

And you're right, more often than not, having an overall balance is usually more desireable than not having it. But again, I think it's important to make the distinction between "balance" and "symmetry". A mix can be asymmetrical in the number and type of instrument as well as their relative placement on each side of the centerline, but still give a balanced sound if the balance is made based upon the song arrangement and the amount of relative energy coming from each instrument.

I'll stop now :D.

true-eurt said:
I was seriously considering, getting serious myself and making some worthwhile post....I have been lurking around these parts more and more lately......now I am afraid :eek: ....hold me. :D

You guys keep arguing, I'll hold the girl. :D (Hi True)
One of the rules of marketing is that a lack of symetry will immediately draw a person's eye.

I'm pretty much talking about graphic or architectural design. If you were to take any 10 buildings lining Michigan Ave, for example, the theory holds that your eye will be drawn to the one that isn't symetrical ... because there's this part of our brains that sort of starts subconsciously saying "What the f__ is up?"

So in generaly, I think that, whenever you're dealing with symetry in an artistic sense, you have to be cognizant of your goal. Something that isn't symetrical will naturally put the listener in less of a state of ease -- which might actually be your goal, so I wouldn't totally dis-count it in all situations. On the other hand, most rules of physical attraction; i.e. what attracts us to a member of the opposite sex -- it often comes down to symetrical features (physical characteristics being proportional to the rest of the body, etc.).

You also have to consider the medium through which most of your listeners will be hearing it. If you expect that most listeners will be listening on their I-POD, then you have to take that in to account. How much more annoying will it be ... or how much more of an impact will it have when you consider that most people will be listening to it over headphones?

On the other hand, if it's something like Jazz or classical where you expect most people to be listening to it in the background, in their office, etc. etc. How much more or less of an impact is it going to make in that kind of environment?

SouthSide G holding it down on the HomeRecordingBBS. Laying down some wisdom on yall asses.

Ive been on here about a week now and clearly Southside runs shit here.

Good to know some of the guys who got the answers aint so stuck up and concieted with their own knowledge.

Thanks for the help Glen.

No hard feelings buddy. Honestly Im a real bad teacher. Get frustrated to quick when people are slow or know less than me. "Whatever the fuck sounds good" is a legit response in my opinion. Its the hole goal here right? Make some shit that sounds good. I was just hoping for some general direction, based on my questions, to help get my "whatever the fuck" to "sound good" you know?

I read up on allmost all the posts before posting my own. Cant post till you register so i spent a good couple days trying to read up on as much as i could. I printed out what was relevent to my situation before asking specific questions.

But thats exactly it. You can read all you want about what other people ask, but if you got something specific (setup, room size, specific mic...) to ask about then you gots to make your own post even if it is based on the answers in other posts.

Maybe not all newbs read up like me first, but cut em some slack now and again fellas. We were all there at one point.

This site is great. You guys are great. Even your arguements are great.

Keep it up and look for Djdarwin cause theres more posts on the way. Plus once i get my Cable internet back... ill have some tracks for yall to listen too.
I get nausea when I listen to an assymetrical recording through headphones... :D that's why I try to keep it as symmetrical as possible...then again most of the material I'm working with is 2 guitar r & r, so it's kind of a no-brainer...
I think often times headphones are where interesting/innovative stereo imaging can really shine. I'll throw one track out there for example. Listen to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds on speakers/monitors. Then listen to it again on headphones/earphones. Almost like a different mix in some ways.

I'm sure anyone can try this with their favorite track and be surprised about what's all there. I know I have been.

If it's workin', do it; know what I mean?
RAK said:
Listen to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds on speakers/monitors. Then listen to it again on headphones/earphones.

Then listen to it on acid.

I agree RAK, if it sounds right, keep kicking it out.
jimmy2sticks said:
Then listen to it on acid.

I agree RAK, if it sounds right, keep kicking it out.

Then get a box o' wine to go with the acid. good times.