Mixing Rock Vocal...


Cute member
Hi all there...
1rst : I know how to do with Compression, but I didn't understand at all about 4:1, 3:1, 10:1 etc. Can anybody give any clear explanations about these mean?

2nd : I record some rock band with lead vocal like somewhere betwen James Hetfield (Metallica) and Bruce Springstein. I have a nice pretty hot vocal track down here, and I am about to mix it. Does anybody have any tips and clue about the EQ, FX setting, Compression things, etc for me to go with the vocal ? I know it would be vary and subjective, but anything would be appreciated, just to make my starting point generally. Thank you so much...

BTW, I record with CWPA 9, and several plug ins including Waves ( Nice C1 !!! ), Cake FX pack 1, 2, 3, and Native. I'm gonna mix using 'em.
Clemie said:
Hi all there...
1rst : I know how to do with Compression, but I didn't understand at all about 4:1, 3:1, 10:1 etc. Can anybody give any clear explanations about these mean?

2nd : I record some rock band with lead vocal like somewhere betwen James Hetfield (Metallica) and Bruce Springstein. I have a nice pretty hot vocal track down here, and I am about to mix it. Does anybody have any tips and clue about the EQ, FX setting, Compression things, etc for me to go with the vocal ? I know it would be vary and subjective, but anything would be appreciated, just to make my starting point generally. Thank you so much...

BTW, I record with CWPA 9, and several plug ins including Waves ( Nice C1 !!! ), Cake FX pack 1, 2, 3, and Native. I'm gonna mix using 'em.

It's so subjective as you said that I really can't give you a suggestion with out hearing it in the mix.

First define a problem if it exists and thats how you approach it.

*Does your vocal have a offending freq content? - you might need a drop of multiband compression.

*Is it losing focus in the mix? - you might have a level problem
and might need compression with out use of a makeup gain or you might need to pump it up with gain and heavier compression.

* Is it only peaking a drop here and there? then you might need a drop of limiting.

Thank you

Thank you Shailat.
Your general advice about compressor & limiter was helping alot. A newbie here also need a hints and tips to get the vocal to be close like the classic "Born to run" or "The Unforgiven". Lets say the dry track has a warm and proper signal level. Does it take some Chorus ? Reverb ? or may be other kind of plug ins ? Just a general hints & tips would be great. I'm still learning here, so having a clue to be tried will do me fun of doing an experiments. Thanks in advance.
James, do you have any hints ?
Try dropping the monitor volume very low{bairly audible}..then bring the vox up to the point where you can make out what the singer is saying..this is a good starting point for the lead vox level..works for me...Get your levels before you club the signal with EQ/compression etc.Also after EQ/compression do it again!YMMV.Good luck

You may also listen from the next room. This alos often helps to find out whether you can still hear the vox...

Thanks Don..., aXel...
I just did what Don suggest, and have the voice straight in place first time. Good starting point. When I "bake" it, I found short delay with short decay time works better than reverb. Put the vocal in the "same stage", but few step closer to "audience" than other band member. But when I close my eyes I feel he's too "flying" rather than on stage. Standing "on the top of the drummer". I'd rather leave guitars alone, they placed perfect, balance & on spot. So I think there must be sumthin with "center stage player" like Kick, Bass, or even light orcherstral pad back there... any comment ?

Mama Clemie

The delay may give that feeling of raising into the air... You might try to back off with that a little...

I'm not that sure with the drums... Perhaps you also have too much high end definition and/or not enough verbs on the drums? That should be the stuff to get the drums more backwards... Some guys say, that they give the drums a room for them alone by using a special verb, that no other track gets...
