mixing question


Hello sorry if this sounds stupid i will try an be as clear as possible,

I have my mixer connected to my soundcard then soundcard obviously going into computer. At the moment i do all the mixing on the computer screen which is ok but if i want to send my signal back to my mixer and mix the music on my actual mixer adding eq etc... how do i re-record that, once ive adjusted the controls on my mixer back into sonar? if that makes any sense?

do i need to have each channel in sonar being outputted to its own individual channel on my mixer? Think im just confusing myself lol

any help would be appreciated!

So you have a number of tracks on your computer . . . you want to send these all separately back to your mixer, do mixing on this, and send them back to the computer.

Whether you can do this depends on your interface. Does it have provision for mutiple outputs from the computer. If so, you may be able to do it.

If you are running, say, a firepd, it could give you eight tracks back from the computer. If ou are running a basic two-channel USB interface, then two tracks is all you can do.

Whether you need to do this or not is another question. Certainly, there are studios that use analog desks to mix, sucking the tracks from a computer and sending a mixed track back. They do this because they spend a lot of money making it worthwhile.

However, in a domestic environment, there are few quality gains to be had, and the convenience of manual control is usually outweighed by the inconvenience of arranging such a set up.