Mixing or Mastering Help


New member
I just finished a new song and haven't found the answer to a problem. The mix sounds great during most of the song. All the instruments and vocals are "sitting" in their tracks well. All are clear and well defined until the last chorus. It just falls apart. It sounds like a mess. The over all sound is not clear. There is a loss of definition. The only track added was a lead guitar doing fills. I don't know if it's over compressed, under compressed or what. The VU's are not pegging. I am using reverb at different levels by buss on all the tracks. I have tried different compression settings and no compression. Do I start the mix at the last chorus and hope the rest sounds right? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So the mix sounds great until the final chorus...if you only add one thing into that chorus, it's more than likely the culprit, no? Unless you are drastically changing your reverb or compression going into the final chorus.
Mark, that sounds entirely logical. I guess I'll have to pull those guitar fills down. It may be a situation of too many things going on. Thanks!
So, all the other choruses sound fine, but not the last one which only has an extra guitar doing fills? That's the only difference with the other choruses? That's weird. The only thing I can think of would be that the song is on the verge of being over-compressed and that extra guitar puts over the top.

But even then, to go from " mix sounds great during most of the song. All the instruments and vocals are "sitting" in their tracks well. All are clear and well defined"


"It just falls apart. It sounds like a mess"

....is quote an extreme swing. :eek:

If you can, post the song. It's almost impossible to tell you what the problem is without hearing it.
If I can, I will work on it again tonight. If I can't fix it, I'll try to put it on here. Thank you all!
RAMI, you are right, It was a bit extreme. Just being over dramatic. I worked on it last night. I brought down the lead fills, lessened the reverb on the harmonies and lowered the bass guitar at 60 htz. I also went from 4.0.1 to 3.0.1 on the compression of the total mix. It cleaned up quite a bit.