Mixing on Windows Sound Recorder?

Sam Page

New member
Over the past few days, I've spent much of my free time browsing the threads here. If there is one thing I have learned, it is this: Windows Sound Recorder (WSR) is very popular*. At the risk of being booed into oblivion, I will ask this question: is it possible to mix multiple tracks on WSR? It seems to me that all one can do is concatenate tracks -- that is, put one in front of the other -- not mix them.

Thank you.

* By "popular" I mean "ridiculed".
AUDACITY is multi-track, but I prefer REAPER. There is no demo version. it works 100%, and your conscience to pay for it.
FYI - Reaper has MIDI support, audacity doesn't.

If you're looking for a stereo recorder look into WAVOSAUR freeware, http://www.wavosaur.com/ which supports ASIO and VST plug-ins