mixing monitors????????

:cool: Yo Double, bubble, toil and trouble: [English major training leaks out]

You will note the less expensive monitors have smaller speaker cones. I used Yorkvilles for a long time; good quality and many good reviews herein.

Then, I moved to KRK, passives and their 8" woofer is much better than the smaller woofer in the Yorks.

If you move up in money, you move up in quality. There are several good passive models out there, as well as active if you want to go that way.

It's worth while to take a trip to a large vendor and listen to some models. BUT, remember, the vendor will be pumping sound through several good components that, maybe, you do not have or need....so, set you budget and go for what your ears like to 'ear! :D :D

Green Hornet