mixing help!!!


New member
hi, im still very confused about mixing, so i just wanna ask a couple of question and hopfully some one can help me,

Lets say i recrord piano in one track,

then i record vocal on a seperate track on a 4 track recorder,

how would i go about to mix these tracks?,

how would i start to put a mixer to use?

where would i hook my mixer to?

hope some one can help thanx
4-tracks have self-contained mixers. Just plug in the rca left and right outs on the fo twak to a cd-r or a cassette deck or even a computer if you have a decent sound card. record your mix.
with a mixer you can "mix" multiple signals (microphones etc..) to a single mono or stereo destination (tape deck cd-r Adat etc..)

So if you cant spare precious tracks on you 4-track then you can mix as many mics as your mixer has channels down to one track.....HooHaa.

But mixers have many many uses.
i use to just use a 4 track, but i had the re-occuring problem of running out of tracks.. i learned how to bounce tracks (pushing 3 tracks to one track to free up two and on and on...) but this'll cause a loss in audio quality. then i went into my soundcard and got a demo versions of many different multi-tracking programs to see which one i liked most..Cool Edit 2000/Pro being my favorite to date....you'll be able to put your tracks in your computer and mix them that way, plus you'll be able to record and mix with the programs, with cool edit pro you can record up to 64 tracks...though most peoples computers can't actually handle half that many, especially when you start applying effect processors.

Go into the computer...you'll have many many more options.. sorry for rambling.