Mixing For Myspace


New member
I was recently remixing some music I recorded. The first thing I ran into was that when I saved the file as an MP3 it sounded differently from how it did in the DAW. So I went through this process of listening to the Mp3, and going back and forth between it and the DAW, adjusting things until I got a better result.

THEN, I published it up on a myspace page, and once again, it sounded differently from the mp3 on my computer (significantly inferior). So I had to adjust things once again the same way. Maddening!:drunk:

Anyways, does anyone have any tips for stuff that gets put up on myspace? It seems to me like the sound quality there leaves something to be desired, maybe I should find a better quality website to showcase my work. Any suggestions?
**It seems I accidentally posted this to the wrong section. It should have been in the mixing forum. I have no way to switch it.
A good mix will sound good anywhere - even as a compressed MP3 on a streaming site. It'll never sound as good as the original wav, but still sound good. Don't worry about it, and don't mix to suit a site. You wouldn't mix to sound good on computer speakers, would you? It'll sound like ass everywhere else. Just make a good mix and it will sound good everywhere. The good thing about myspace is that it isn't hard to sound better than 99% of the crap on there.
A good mix will sound good anywhere - even as a compressed MP3 on a streaming site. It'll never sound as good as the original wav, but still sound good. Don't worry about it, and don't mix to suit a site. You wouldn't mix to sound good on computer speakers, would you? It'll sound like ass everywhere else. Just make a good mix and it will sound good everywhere. The good thing about myspace is that it isn't hard to sound better than 99% of the crap on there.

The main problem I encountered was volume levels changed, so certain tracks I could hear quite well at first, became too quiet or too loud in contrast to the rest.
MySpace is totally dead...I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I haven't checked my own MySpace pages in months....
Someone please correct me if im wrong ( which I know you will undoubtably do ) When your mixing down to an MP3, doesnt it clip at -1 db, rather than 0.
Pink noise wav file shown through ozone 3:

Pink noise 192bit mp3:

Pink noise mp3 file after it's been raped by the myspace player:

Fuck myspace. That massive dip is where they chop off all your high end, and where you see it come back up is pretty much turned into lossy noise.
...but lots of bands link to their myspace page for streaming songs and such, right?

If they don't have anything better....

There are lots of ways to link to your music streams these days, and honestly MySpace is really dead, plus, their "new & improved music pages TOTALLY SUCK ASS. They take forever to load and nothing seems to work right on them...which only discourages people even more.
Ideally, if you are a serious band/artists, you'll have your own website where you get to control the quality of the stream and you can even put up more than one bit-rate.
Like he said myspace is dead but the biggest issue out there is that there isn't another site with their(myspace's) original format for people to turn to now. The closest thing now is facebook, but even that is still very limiting to bands/musicians. Try posting your music on reverb nation, or bandcamp and let us know if you get the same issues or not.
I guess what I'm saying is...what do you really get from posting on MySpace...?

If all you need is a site that can stream music for you, there are plenty, but if anyone thinks that MySpace is a good promo tool that will get serious results, you're just kidding yourself...and as already mentioned, their new music pages totally suck AFA functionality.

I actually think YouTube is a better tool...but you have to have the kind of videos that will attract people and get a buzz going, and then hopefully your music will also benefit....though it seems you need some sort of "jackass" video to get a viral following...and then the music will not matter anyway.

It's not easy.
All the talk about how much better things are for musicians these days because they can self-promote and get somewhere....is just a myth.
It's harder than ever.

Check out the Marketing/Promo forum....there's more discussion there.
I suggest posting on your music on soundcloud.com. You can link it to anyone and upload a crapload of songs, and people don't have to go to piece of shit myspace to listen to your tracks.
Okay guys thanks for the advice. It seems the conclusion is that myspace is dead, and real musicians need to look elsewhere.

We have youtube, soundcloud, and also I've heard vimeo has a lot better sound quality. I'll check out soundcloud, since I have no video, just audio for now.
Having a MySpace is kind of like having a fax machine these days. Most of the time, it sits in the corner collecting dust. Then every once in a while you'll have that one job interview where their preferred contact method is FaxSpace, and you suddenly need to have it.

Is it worth having a MySpace for those cases? Meh, probably, but you should have a better site be your main landing page.
Is it worth maintaining a MySpace for those cases? Probably not.