Mixing down through my mixer


New member
I have always mixed down "inside the computer" and would like to start mixing down through my mixer. I have an Alesis 12R mixer. I have a few dumb newbie questions. It has 8 mono mic/line in inputs and 2 sets of stereo inputs. It has 2 aux sends (one post and one pre fader) and 2 aux returns. I have an 8 channel soundcard (delta 1010) so i'll only be using the 8 line in inputs. I want to be able to add compression and reverb to certain tracks. (it can be the same compression setting for each track, as long as I can control how much compression each track gets) So I figure I should use the aux send for compression. Can I use the pre fader for reverb? Or can I use one of the stereo inputs as an affects send? The manual is explaining something like that, but I don't understand. And if I can get all that sorted out what should I have my delta outputs set to +4 or -10? and what outputs on my mixer should I use to send the stereo mix back to my computer +4 or -10? Any info will help, tell me if I need to explain something better.

Set the levels to whatever your Alesis is set to accept (+4, 10). Your manual will have that listed in the specs.

Use the main outs on the mixer to record the final mixdown.

Usually you do not use Compression on an Aux send but it depends on what you are trying to do. It doesn't work like reverb where you just send a little bit to the compressor. Usually you need to replace the old signal with the new compressed signal and that is why you need one compressor per channel and you hook up the compressor to the Insert. You can blend in the compressed signal with the dry track but that is done to beef up a track and not to really compress it for the sake of controlling dynamics.

You can use the reverb on a prefader send if you want. Since the stereo inputs are in fact inputs you can use them as an effects return but noy as an effects send.
Okay, thanks for the help. I plan on buying one of those 4 channel behringers for compression and I'll use the inserts on my mixer. That will free up my post fader aux send and returns. Two more questions: Which one is balanced +4 or -10? And does anyone have a suggestion on a cheap reverb? It'll only be used very little on vocals and drums.
And does anyone have a suggestion on a cheap reverb? It'll only be used very little on vocals and drums.
Behringer makes a decent effects processor, got mine for about $50. It's cheap and it works!
TexRoadkill said:

Usually you do not use Compression on an Aux send but it depends on what you are trying to do. It doesn't work like reverb where you just send a little bit to the compressor.

I have done this lots O times...Am I unusual?

I have done it to change tails on a verb, twekked the gate to make a delay chatter on the way out and simulate parallel compression. I prefer compression on the channel inserts mainly, but sometimes...you just gotta be different. Also, you can use one compressor for all your drum tracks...just make sure your compressor is set at least 10:1 tweak the attack and release till tasty.

So Tex..... I noticed you have a Ghost? Whats it like??

As far as compression and reverb, since the box is sending it out to the mixer, why not just keep that stuff applied to each track?

Look for a Used Lexicon LXP1($150-$200)... Steer clear of Behringer stuff as a rule of thumb, only purchase in cases of desparation ;)

Son of Mixerman said:
I have done this lots O times...Am I unusual?

I have done it to change tails on a verb, twekked the gate to make a delay chatter on the way out and simulate parallel compression. I prefer compression on the channel inserts mainly, but sometimes...you just gotta be different. Also, you can use one compressor for all your drum tracks...just make sure your compressor is set at least 10:1 tweak the attack and release till tasty.

So Tex..... I noticed you have a Ghost? Whats it like??

I do use parallel compression on my busses all the time. It's great for thickening up the rhythm section. I can also assign my effects returns to the busses so I don't really have to put comps on auxes for mult compression. It just depends if your're trying to beef it up (auxes and busses) or tame peaks (inserts).

The Ghost is pretty nice. I wouldn't call it magical or anything but you can get them for under $3K used pretty easily. The MMC version has a lot of cool features like midi mute automation, transport control and some midi faders. Lot's of auxes and the EQ/pres are decent. I just tracked an entire rock project using just the Ghost pres and it isn't bad but I wish I had a little more air on some of the tracks. I'm trying to mix it right now and I'm hurting for some better compressors than my RNC's. The mix also sounds a little too thick or dense but that may just be me, lol.
TexRoadkill said:

The Ghost is pretty nice. I wouldn't call it magical or anything but you can get them for under $3K used pretty easily. The MMC version has a lot of cool features like midi mute automation, transport control and some midi faders. Lot's of auxes and the EQ/pres are decent. I just tracked an entire rock project using just the Ghost pres and it isn't bad but I wish I had a little more air on some of the tracks.
Ive been kinda looking at it more seriously, Aaron teased me with I presume is the one you currently have. I like things to be flexible and not too intrusive.

TexRoadkill said:

I'm trying to mix it right now and I'm hurting for some better compressors than my RNC's. The mix also sounds a little too thick or dense but that may just be me, lol.

Sounds like maybe a great 4 band parametric EQ is in order on the 2 bus? Rock stuff seems to always build up mud, I have at times eq'd it edgy coming in to counteract the mud... but thats like putting a bandaid on before your wounded. For the compressors your going to have to head in the pricey range....A distressor or 1176LN..I think the Summit sounds pretty good too. Do you have an RNP? Its extended air might be a help too.

I bought mine the same time Aaron was selling his but I got mine on Ebay. His was a 32 with expansion model and was out of my budget range. The Radar ate up most of it.

I'm going to leave any 2 bus processing for the mastering. I just don't trust my monitoring environment enough. I'm going to build up some more absorbers and bass traps when the weather cools off around here so I can work outside. We've had some of the hottest months on record this summer.

I was thinking about getting a Distressor, RNP and a REA Ribbon mic to have some better front end tools around. I'm going to Thailand next week and I'll have to see how much cash I have left to blow after that :D
You asked about a "cheap" reverb, and the Behringer is just that. You get what you pay for, but compared to the other low end processors, the Behringer will out-perform products of the same price. I used to be "afraid" to mention Behringer because everyone just like to shoot me down, now I say "Bring It ON"! Beh works, does what t is supposed to do, how can you argue with that?!? Those who say steer clear of Behringer might just have a larger wallet than you or I, so they can say that. If you are like me and you plan on using it for home recording (isn't that what this site is about) Behringer can help get you the equipment you need without taking out a second mortgage!

.......here comes the wrath!:D