mixing console operating level


New member
Hi! My problem is this;- When I get a signal into the desk, following the correct gain structure , then send out to my Alesis HD24 via the direct out of that channel, my peak reading on the HD24 meter is about -25dB!! I've tried a hotter input into the desk and maxing the fader, and this does get more into the HD24 but when it comes back in it's WAY too hot!! My guess is that the desk is unbalanced and the HD24 is balanced and is expecting more signal, but I can't see a way of "unbalancing" the HD24.
Any thoughts?
What is the mixer?

The problem is related to the balanced issue but it's probably that the recorder is expecting a +4 signal and your mixer is sending a -10. There may be a switch on the HD to change the input/output levels. Check your manual.
Thanks mate, that's what I figured, but there's nothing in the manual about it and Alesis still haven't returned my call about it!
Cheers anyway.
You don't mention what kind of mixer you have. Obviously it's operating at -10 and the HD wants +4. Some mixers arer switchable between the two levels and some are not. If your stuff won't do the higher level, it'll be a constant problem for you. It's not a matter of balanced/unbalanced, just plugging in a mono connector into the HD will unbalance the connection but won't change your level problem. If you just try to crank up your input device that's operating at -10, you'll just end up with distortion. Been there, done that.
Thanks. It's a Soundtracs pc solo console. Looks like I'm destined to work at -20dB then! I can't afford to change my otherwise fine console.
Cheers anyway!
the noise:coherant sound (i think thats the right term?) will be awful recording that low!

both my (rather old) mixers have output level switches on them, and im surprised that HD doesnt have an input level switch...

sorry i couldnt help much...
No worries mate. It actually doesn't sound bad at all! It's just that theoretically it could obviously be better, if I could feed the HD24 what it wants!
P.S. Yeh, the term you're looking 4 is Signal to Noise Ratio.