Mixing board.


New member
Hey are is their any DIYers out here that know where I could get one of the faders for an old mixing board?I have the part off and its a NOBLE 15a50k ohm 8414 as far as the part number. I got a 12 channel board for free but two of the mains faders knobs broke off and two channels have the fader knobs broke off to so if anyone knows where I could get the parts to fix it that would be great.
What is REALLY broke? The plastic fader FINGER PULL or the actual fader slide carraige, or the resistance board inside? I've had to go so far as tearing them apart, and soldering a wire across the resistance material. If you REALLY want this to work, don't be afraid to open these things up and INSPECT what is really broke. Then analyze a way to fix it. Hot glue, solder, epoxys, mechanical fasteners such as minature screws, all can be used to fix things. I just depends on how bad you want it fixed. EVEN if they don't work as good as they should when they are fixed. I had one fader STOP, at the solder joint, almost at infinity. Didn't matter. I used the trim or the input off switch at that point. Workarounds are still better than NO NEW PARTS. :D Of course, thats how I look at things. At least I could use the channels as FX returns, or whatever.

BTW, I've even MADE finger pulls from wood or plex in a pinch. You just have to think.
Imagine this. IF, you were stuck in the desert, and your LIFE depended on this part, what would you do. Thats how my DAD taught me to improvise, and not let ANYTHING stop you. The best one he showed me was when he and I were stuck on Hiway 5 with an ALMOST dead battery and no lights. Alternator diodes fried. No new alternator available, but the gas station attendant had a used DIFFERENT make alternator. He simply took the used but different alternator apart, bolted the rear half of it to the firewall, ran some wires from the old alternator diodes to the used alternator diodes, and VOILA!! We got out of the desert(analogy)!! Looked like shit but we got home. THAT is how you have to think. BTW, my analogy is based on a true story.
Back in the early 1930's, my dads family were traveling across the United States from Oaklahoma to California in a Model T Ford pickup.
During the depression, very little money, 6 kids and all their belongings. It was either that or starve. They made it as far as the Mohave Desert just across the California border. A rod started knocking 85 miles from ANYTHING at that time. 110 degrees and very little water, a dirt hiway, and no traffic. I mean, who the hell drives across the desert in a Model T. Only those who HAVE to make it. They figured they blew a rod bearing in the engine. Simple. Either fix it or die. They unloaded the truck, turned it up on its side, drained the oil into a cooking pot, pulled the pan, and with limited improvised tools, pulled the rod bearing cap. Sure enough. Babbit fried from the heat. What would you do? Dad figured it out. The way he puts, when your thirsty, hot, and HAVE to survive, you better THINK! He did. Pulled his leather belt off, trimmed it to fit, bolted the cap and pan in place, filled back up with the same oil, cranked it up and made it clear to Corning California, about 400 miles down the road. Took them 3 days back then. I have a picture of them in the desert. Dad was 11 years old.
fitZ :)
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